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Getting started in CLIM & ESTIMR

Welcome to LSCE! You are probably reading this page because you are a new intern student, visitor, etc… This page will help you survive your first steps at LSCE, at least survive the computers…

Using your own computer at LSCE?

No need to try to connect your laptop to the LSCE network, it will not work!

The best you can do is use the eduroam or guest wifi network if your office is close enough to one of the access points.

Warning! You can't connect directly to the LSCE servers from the wifi network. If you need to do that, you will have to connect to a server outside LSCE first, and then back to LSCE

Accessing the LSCE intranet

There is a lot of information available on the intranet, but you can only access it from a computer connected to the LSCE network:

Everything about LSCE computers:

  • Reading the mails with the webmail or Thunderbird
    • As soon as you have a LSCE e-mail address, make sure it is added to the clim or estimr mailing list

Accessing the CEA saclay intranet

Web site:

You can only access it from the CEA network, and this intranet is the place where you can get information about:

Setting up your desktop computer

Everybody working for CLIM & ESTIMR gets a computer that can be connected to the LSCE network. Please take the time to read the instructions below, that may help make your life easier

Windows 7 computer

Read the notes in Windows 7 notes, especially the Basic Windows 7 Configuration section

Getting administrator's rights

Make sure you know what you are doing and that you are not executing a virus asking you suspicious rights!

If an application requests administrator's rights to install something or make changes to the computer, and you are sur it's not a virus, use the .\adminuser account and the adminuser password you got when your computer was configured, or ask the system administrators.

Linux computer


Using the root acount

Do not use the root account or privileges if you don't really know what you are doing!

Depending on what you need to do:

  • run a single command with the root access rights
    sudo command
  • become root in a terminal
    sudo su -
  • use the root password when a program asks for it. Be sure the programs has legitimate reasons to ask for the root password!


Sorry, you are on your own, but it's soooo easy to use, right?

Which Linux servers should you use?

There are probably lots of things you can do on your local desktop (displaying pdf, images, using a text editor, …), rather than directly on the servers. Never forget that your local desktop has access to the remote disks on the Linux servers.

Otherwise, use one of the Linux servers

  • asterixN (ssh asterix, or ssh asterix.lscelb): use these servers for the usual day-to-day work (things that use less than 1 Gb, don't use 100% CPU for a long time)
  • obelixN (ssh obelix, or ssh obelix.lscelb)

Which disks should you use?

Useful documentation

Getting help from the LSCE system administrators

Send a mail to:

What next?

Ask you advisor, who has probably already told you everything that was listed above, so you did not really learn anything new by reading this page

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other/newppl/starting.1434533056.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/17 09:24 by jypeter