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other:putty_conf [2022/08/08 15:54]
jypeter [Changing some useful settings] Added link to X server page
other:putty_conf [2023/03/15 13:53]
jypeter [Using ssh keys] More wise advice
Line 54: Line 54:
     * Specify your login name (on the LSCE servers) in **Auto-login username**. This way you won't have to type it when you connect to the Linux server!\\ {{ :​other:​putty_06.png?​direct |}}     * Specify your login name (on the LSCE servers) in **Auto-login username**. This way you won't have to type it when you connect to the Linux server!\\ {{ :​other:​putty_06.png?​direct |}}
   * In the ''​Connection''​ => ''​SSH''​ => ''​Kex''​ category:   * In the ''​Connection''​ => ''​SSH''​ => ''​Kex''​ category:
-    * **<wrap hi>​Unselect Attempt ​GSAPPI ​key exchange</​wrap>​**!\\ If you forget to do this, connecting to a server will seem to take forever (if it works at all)...\\ {{ :​other:​putty_gssapi.png?​direct |}}+    * **<wrap hi>​Unselect Attempt ​GSSAPI ​key exchange</​wrap>​**!\\ If you forget to do this, connecting to a server will seem to take forever (if it works at all)...\\ {{ :​other:​putty_gssapi.png?​direct |}}
   * In the ''​Connection''​ => ''​SSH''​ => ''​Auth''​ category:   * In the ''​Connection''​ => ''​SSH''​ => ''​Auth''​ category:
     * Select **Allow agent forwarding**. This is the same as [[/​other:​ssh#​standard_usage|using ssh with the -A option]]\\ {{ :​other:​putty_07.png?​direct |}}     * Select **Allow agent forwarding**. This is the same as [[/​other:​ssh#​standard_usage|using ssh with the -A option]]\\ {{ :​other:​putty_07.png?​direct |}}
Line 120: Line 120:
 <WRAP center round important 80%> <WRAP center round important 80%>
   * **Do not lose** the (existing) ssh keys files you have, or the keys that you will create   * **Do not lose** the (existing) ssh keys files you have, or the keys that you will create
-    * It's a very good idea to **keep a copy of these files** on another computer!+    * It is recommended ​to **keep a copy of these files** on another computer!
   * **Do not forget** the passphrase that will be used to unlock the private key   * **Do not forget** the passphrase that will be used to unlock the private key
 +    * If you save the passphrase in a file, **do not** put this file in the same place as the ssh keys
 +    * Read [[other:​ssh#​some_common_sense_advice|Do not forget your passphrase!]] if you need some advice about passphrases
-  * If you save the passphrase in a file, **do not** put this file in the same place as the ssh keys +  * The best thing to do is probably to **keep ​the keys in the standard ​[[other:ssh#configuration_files|ssh configuration directory]]**!
- +
-  * Easiest ​thing to do is probably to store the key files in an ''​ssh''​ sub-directory somewhere +
-    * We assume below that they keys are in a sub-directory of your [[other:win10config#the_most_important_folders|local HOME FOLDER]]\\ \\ <​some_disk_different_from_c>:​\Users\<​your_login>​\ssh\+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
Line 142: Line 141:
 ==== Creating ssh keys with PuTTYgen ==== ==== Creating ssh keys with PuTTYgen ====
-If you don't have set of ssh keys, follow the steps below to **create private and public keys**+If you don'​t ​already ​have an existing ​set of //​recent-enough// ​ssh keys, follow the steps below to **create ​a set of private and public keys**
 +  * by //​recent-enough//,​ we mean ssh keys of type //rsa// and preferably //ed25519// (//dsa// is deprecated) 
 +  * extra technical details (that you can probably safely ignore) are available in the official [[https://​​~sgtatham/​putty/​0.78/​htmldoc/​Chapter8.html#​pubkey-puttygen|Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator]] documentation
-  ​* Make sure that the type of key (at the bottom of the ''​PuTTYgen''​ window) is ''​RSA'' ​and that the number of bits is ''​4096''​+Steps: 
 +  ​* Make sure that the selected //​Type ​of key to generate// ​(at the bottom of the ''​PuTTYgen''​ window) is ''​EdDSA'' ​(short for //​Edwards-curve DSA//), with the default ''​255'' ​bits.\\ This will generate **//​ed25519//​ keys** that are now recommended on the IPSL servers 
 +    * {{:​other:​putty_23b.png?​direct&​500|}} 
 +    * You could also use ''​RSA''​ and ''​4096'' ​bits, but ''​ed25519''​ keys are now recommended on the IPSL servers
   * Click on the ''​Generate''​ button and move your mouse to generate some random information   * Click on the ''​Generate''​ button and move your mouse to generate some random information
   * Type your ''​Key passphrase''​ and confirm it   * Type your ''​Key passphrase''​ and confirm it
-  ​* Click on the ''​Save private key''​ button, and create a ''​id_rsa.ppk''​ file (or ''​any_name_you_want.ppk''​)\\ ​{{ :​other:​putty_23.png?​direct&​400 |}} +    * Read [[other:​ssh#​some_common_sense_advice|Do not forget your passphrase!]] if you need some advice about passphrases 
-  * Click on the ''​Save public key''​ button, and create a ''​''​ file+  ​* Click on the ''​Save private key''​ button, and create ​an ''​id_ed25519**.ppk**''​ file 
 +    * Note: files with a ''​.ppk''​ extension can only be used by ''​PuTTY''/''​pageant''​. That's why you also need to //export// the private key, as shown below 
 +  * **Important!** Click ''​Conversions''​=>''​Export OpenSSH Key''​ and create an ''​id_ed25519''​ file (a text file with **no** ​''​.ppk'' ​extension) 
 +    * You will not need this file when you use ''​PuTTY'',​ but you may need to use this private key in a standard text format later, on Linux computers/​servers 
 +  * Open a text editor and create an ''​id_ed25519**.pub**''​ file 
 +    * Save the content of the ''​Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file''​ field in the file\\ Something looking like\\ <​code>​ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI[... lots of characters ...]vwjLNmY eddsa-key-20230310</​code>​ 
 +  * Click on the ''​Save public key''​ button, and create a ''​id_ed25519**.pub**''​ file
     * You will need to [[other:​ssh#​installing_ssh_keys|install the public key]] on all the remote Linux server that you want to connect to using the ssh agent, instead of typing your password     * You will need to [[other:​ssh#​installing_ssh_keys|install the public key]] on all the remote Linux server that you want to connect to using the ssh agent, instead of typing your password
-  * Click on ''​Conversions''​=>''​Export OpenSSH key'',​ and create a (standard) ''​id_rsa''​ file\\ You will not need this file with Putty, but it is just in case you need to use your private key later on a Linux computer 
 ==== Using the private key in Pageant ==== ==== Using the private key in Pageant ====
other/putty_conf.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/29 15:43 by jypeter