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other:python:jyp_steps [2019/05/22 09:18]
jypeter [Useful reference pages] more references
other:python:jyp_steps [2019/05/23 14:41]
jypeter [Useful reference pages] Added help for the 'legend'
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 ==== Useful reference pages ==== ==== Useful reference pages ====
-  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot()]]:​ Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers +  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot(...)]]: Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers 
-  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter()]]:​ A scatter plot of y vs x with varying marker size and/or color+  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]: A scatter plot of y vs x with varying marker size and/or color
     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color
   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html|line]] parameters   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html|line]] parameters
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     * [[https://​​gallery/​color/​color_demo.html|color demo]]     * [[https://​​gallery/​color/​color_demo.html|color demo]]
     * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|named colors]]     * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|named colors]]
 +  * [[https://​​api/​pyplot_api.html#​matplotlib.pyplot.legend|legend(...)]] ([[https://​​examples/​pylab_examples/​legend_demo3.html|legend demo]])
 +    * The legend will //show// the lines (or other objects) that were associated with a //label// with the ''​label=''​ keyword when creating/​updating a plot
 +      * If there are some elements of a plot that you do not want to associate with a legend (e.g. there are several lines with the same color and markers, but you want to plot the legend only once), do not specify a ''​label=''​ keyword for these elements, or add a ''​_''​ at the front of the label strings
 +    * The legend is positioned somewhere (that can be specified) **inside** the plot. In order to place a legend **outside** the plot, use the ''​bbox_to_anchor''​ parameter
 +      * the parameters of ''​bbox_to_anchor''​ are in normalized coordinates of the current (sub)plot:
 +        * ''​(0,​ 0)''​ is the lower left corner of the plot, and ''​(1,​ 1)''​ the upper right corner
 +        * ''​legend(... bbox_to_anchor=(1.05,​ 1.), loc='​upper left', ...)''​ will put the upper left corner of the legend slightly right (''​(1.05,​ 1.)''​) of the upper right corner (''​(1,​ 1)''​) of the plot
 +      * if the legend is outside of the plot, you have to **explicitly provide enough space for the legend on the page**
 +        * e.g. with [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.subplots_adjust.html|subplots_adjust]],​ ''​plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.75)''​ will make all the plots use 75% on the left of the page, and leave 25% on the right for the legend
 ==== Misc Matplotlib tricks ==== ==== Misc Matplotlib tricks ====
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   * [[http://​​ploscompbiol/​article?​id=10.1371/​journal.pcbi.1003833|Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures]]   * [[http://​​ploscompbiol/​article?​id=10.1371/​journal.pcbi.1003833|Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures]]
 +  * [[https://​​plots/​top-50-matplotlib-visualizations-the-master-plots-python/​|Top 50 matplotlib Visualizations]]
   * [[http://​​|Seaborn]] is a library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics in Python, built on top of matplotlib   * [[http://​​|Seaborn]] is a library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics in Python, built on top of matplotlib
     * See also: [[https://​​community/​tutorials/​seaborn-python-tutorial|     * See also: [[https://​​community/​tutorials/​seaborn-python-tutorial|
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   * [[https://​​community/​tutorials/​data-science-python-ide|Top 5 Python IDEs For Data Science]]   * [[https://​​community/​tutorials/​data-science-python-ide|Top 5 Python IDEs For Data Science]]
   * [[http://​​best-python-ide-for-programmers-windows-and-mac|Python IDE: The10 Best IDEs for Python Programmers]]   * [[http://​​best-python-ide-for-programmers-windows-and-mac|Python IDE: The10 Best IDEs for Python Programmers]]
 +  * [[https://​​best-python-ide-python-programming/​|Get the Best Python IDE]]
   * [[https://​​moin/​IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments]]   * [[https://​​moin/​IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments]]
other/python/jyp_steps.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 12:51 by jypeter