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other:python:jyp_steps [2019/06/03 16:06]
jypeter [Matplotlib] re-ordered things, added 'clearing'
other:python:jyp_steps [2019/06/21 15:23]
jypeter [Matplotlib] Added add_axes
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 The matplotlib documentation is good, but not always easy to use. <wrap hi>A good way to start with matplotlib</​wrap>​ is to quickly read the following, practice, and read this section again The matplotlib documentation is good, but not always easy to use. <wrap hi>A good way to start with matplotlib</​wrap>​ is to quickly read the following, practice, and read this section again
   - Have a quick look at the [[https://​​gallery/​index.html|matplotlib gallery]] to get an idea of all you can do with matplotlib. Later, when you need to plot something, go back to the gallery to find some examples that are close to what you need and click on them to view their source code   - Have a quick look at the [[https://​​gallery/​index.html|matplotlib gallery]] to get an idea of all you can do with matplotlib. Later, when you need to plot something, go back to the gallery to find some examples that are close to what you need and click on them to view their source code
-    * some examples are more //​pythonic//​ (ie object oriented) than others, some example ​mix different styles of coding, ​all this can be confusing. Try to [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​coding-styles|use an object oriented way of doing things]]!+    * some examples are more //​pythonic//​ (ie object oriented) than others, ​and some examples ​mix different styles of coding, ​which can be quite confusing. Try to [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​coding-styles|use an object oriented way of doing things]]!
   - Use the free hints provided by JY!   - Use the free hints provided by JY!
     - You will usually **initialize matplotlib** with: ''​import matplotlib.pyplot as plt''​     - You will usually **initialize matplotlib** with: ''​import matplotlib.pyplot as plt''​
Line 188: Line 188:
       * later, you may need other matplotlib related modules, for advanced usage       * later, you may need other matplotlib related modules, for advanced usage
     - You need to know some **matplotlib specific vocabulary**:​     - You need to know some **matplotlib specific vocabulary**:​
-      * a Matplotlib **//​Figure//​** (or //canvas//) is a graphical window in which you create your plots...+      * a Matplotlib **//​Figure//​** (or //canvas//) is a **graphical window** in which you create your plots...
         * example: ''​my_page = plt.figure()''​         * example: ''​my_page = plt.figure()''​
-        * if you need several display windows at the same time, create several figures+        * if you need several display windows at the same time, create several figures!\\ <​code>​win_1 = plt.figure() 
 +win_2 = plt.figure()</​code>​
         * the [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​parts-of-a-figure|parts of a figure]] are often positioned in //​normalized coordinates//:​ ''​(0,​ 0)''​ is the bottom left of the figure, and ''​(1,​ 1)''​ the top right         * the [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​parts-of-a-figure|parts of a figure]] are often positioned in //​normalized coordinates//:​ ''​(0,​ 0)''​ is the bottom left of the figure, and ''​(1,​ 1)''​ the top right
         * You don't really specify the **page orientation** (//​portrait//​ or //​landscape//​) of a plot. If you want a portrait plot, it's up to you to create a plot that will look higher than it is large. The idea is not to worry about this and just check the final resulting plot: create a plot, save it, display the resulting png/pdf and then adjust the creation script         * You don't really specify the **page orientation** (//​portrait//​ or //​landscape//​) of a plot. If you want a portrait plot, it's up to you to create a plot that will look higher than it is large. The idea is not to worry about this and just check the final resulting plot: create a plot, save it, display the resulting png/pdf and then adjust the creation script
-          * If you have an idea of the layout of what you want to plot, it may be easier to explicitly specify the figure size/ratio at creation time, and try to //fill// the figure+          * If you do have an idea of the layout of what you want to plot, it may be easier to explicitly specify the figure size/ratio at creation time, and then try to //​fill// ​the normalized coordinates space of the figure
           * ''​my_page = plt.figure()'':​ the ratio of the default figure is ''​landscape'',​ because it is 33% larger than it is high. Creating a default figure will be OK most of the time!           * ''​my_page = plt.figure()'':​ the ratio of the default figure is ''​landscape'',​ because it is 33% larger than it is high. Creating a default figure will be OK most of the time!
           * ''​my_page = plt.figure(figsize=(width,​ height))'':​ create a figure with a custom ratio (sizes are considered to be in inches)           * ''​my_page = plt.figure(figsize=(width,​ height))'':​ create a figure with a custom ratio (sizes are considered to be in inches)
-          ​* ''​my_page = plt.figure(figsize=(8.3,​ 11.7))'':​ create a figure that will theoretically fill an A4 size page in portrait mode (check [[https://​​a-paper-sizes.htm|Dimensions Of A Series Paper Sizes]] if you need more size details) +            ​* ''​my_page = plt.figure(figsize=(8.3,​ 11.7))'':​ create a figure that will theoretically fill an A4 size page in portrait mode (check [[https://​​a-paper-sizes.htm|Dimensions Of A Series Paper Sizes]] if you need more size details) 
-      * a Matplotlib **//​Axis//​** is a plot inside a Figure... [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​parts-of-a-figure|More details]]+      * a Matplotlib **//​Axis//​** is a **plot** inside a Figure... [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​parts-of-a-figure|More details]]
         * reserve space for **one plot** that will use most of the available area of the figure/​page:​         * reserve space for **one plot** that will use most of the available area of the figure/​page:​
           * ''​my_plot = my_page.add_subplot(1,​ 1, 1)'':​ syntax is ''​add_subplot(nrows,​ ncols, index)''​           * ''​my_plot = my_page.add_subplot(1,​ 1, 1)'':​ syntax is ''​add_subplot(nrows,​ ncols, index)''​
Line 210: Line 211:
 bottom_plot = plot_array[2]</​code>​ bottom_plot = plot_array[2]</​code>​
           * creating a figure and axes with a single line: ''​my_page,​ plot_array = **plt**.subplots(3,​ 1)''​           * creating a figure and axes with a single line: ''​my_page,​ plot_array = **plt**.subplots(3,​ 1)''​
 +        * use [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_axes|my_page.add_axes(...)]] to add an axis in an arbirary location of the page\\ ''​my_page.add_axes([left,​ bottom, width, height])''​
       * a Matplotlib **//​Artist//​** or //Patch// is //​something//​ (e.g a line, a group of markers, text, the legend...) plotted ​ on the Figure/Axis       * a Matplotlib **//​Artist//​** or //Patch// is //​something//​ (e.g a line, a group of markers, text, the legend...) plotted ​ on the Figure/Axis
-      * **clearing** the //page// (or part of it): you probably won't need that+      * **clearing** the //page// (or part of it): you probably won't need that...
         * ''​my_page.clear()''​ or ''​my_page.clf()''​ or ''​plt.clf()'':​ clear the (current) figure         * ''​my_page.clear()''​ or ''​my_page.clf()''​ or ''​plt.clf()'':​ clear the (current) figure
         * ''​my_plot.clear()''​ or ''​my_plot.cla()'':​ clear the (current) axis         * ''​my_plot.clear()''​ or ''​my_plot.cla()'':​ clear the (current) axis
Line 250: Line 252:
   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]:​ A scatter plot of y vs x with varying marker size and/or color   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]:​ A scatter plot of y vs x with varying marker size and/or color
     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color
 +  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf.html|contour(...) and contourf(...)]]:​ draw contour lines and filled contours
   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html|line]] parameters   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html|line]] parameters
     * ''​linestyle'':​ ''​solid'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html#​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.set_linestyle|other]] ([[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​line_styles_reference.html|default styles example]], [[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​linestyles.html|custom styles example]])     * ''​linestyle'':​ ''​solid'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html#​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.set_linestyle|other]] ([[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​line_styles_reference.html|default styles example]], [[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​linestyles.html|custom styles example]])
   * [[https://​​api/​markers_api.html|marker types]]   * [[https://​​api/​markers_api.html|marker types]]
-    * ''​fillstyle'':​ ''​full'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​gallery/​lines_bars_and_markers/​marker_fillstyle_reference.html|other]] +    ​* Default marker size and edge width: 
-    Other attributes: ''​markersize'',​ ''​markerfacecolor''​ (and ''​markerfacecoloralt'' ​for dual color markers), ''​markeredgecolor'',​ ''​markeredgewidth''​ +      ​* ''​mpl.rcParams['lines.markersize'] %%**%% 2''​ => 36 
-  * [[https://​​api/​colors_api.html|colors]]+      * ''​mpl.rcParams['​lines.linewidth'​]''​ => 1.5 
 +    * Other marker attributes. For ''​plot'',​ all the markers have the same attributes, and for ''​scatter''​ the attributes can be the same, or specified for each marker 
 +      * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot(...)]]:​ //fmt// (see documentation) or ''​marker''​ and ''​markerfacecolor''/''​mfc''​ (and ''​markerfacecoloralt''/''​mfcalt''​ for dual color markers), ''​markersize'',​ ''​markeredgewidth''/''​mew'',​ ''​markeredgecolor'',​ ''​fillstyle''​ (''​full'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​gallery/​lines_bars_and_markers/​marker_fillstyle_reference.html|other]]) 
 +      [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]: ''​marker'' ​(marker type), ''​c''​ (color), ​''​s'' ​(size), ''​linewidths'' ​(linewidth of the marker edges), ''​edgecolors''​ 
 +  * [[https://​​api/​colors_api.html|colors]] ​and colormaps
     * [[https://​​gallery/​color/​color_demo.html|color demo]]     * [[https://​​gallery/​color/​color_demo.html|color demo]]
     * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|named colors]]     * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|named colors]]
 +    * Reverting the colors: add ''​_r''​ at the end of the colormap name
 +    * Special colormap colors
 +      * ''​cmap.set_bad(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for masked values
 +      * ''​cmap.set_over(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for high out-of-range values
 +      * ''​cmap.set_under(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for low out-of-range values
 +  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar|colorbar]] and ([[https://​​gallery/​images_contours_and_fields/​contourf_demo.html|contourf + colorbar demo]])
   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.text.html|text(...)]] and [[https://​​tutorials/​text/​annotations.html|annotations]]   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.text.html|text(...)]] and [[https://​​tutorials/​text/​annotations.html|annotations]]
 +    * Some titles:
 +      * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.suptitle|Figure title]]: ''​my_figure.suptitle('​Figure title',​ ...)''​
 +      * [[https://​​api/​axes_api.html#​axis-labels-title-and-legend|Axis Labels, title, and legend]]: ''​my_plot.set_title('​Plot title',​ ...)''​
     * ''​fontsize'':​ size in points, or (better!) string specifying a relative size (''​xx-small'',​ ''​x-small'',​ ''​small'',​ ''​medium'',​ ''​large'',​ ''​x-large'',​ ''​xx-large''​)     * ''​fontsize'':​ size in points, or (better!) string specifying a relative size (''​xx-small'',​ ''​x-small'',​ ''​small'',​ ''​medium'',​ ''​large'',​ ''​x-large'',​ ''​xx-large''​)
     * [[https://​​api/​text_api.html#​matplotlib.text.Text|all the text properties]]     * [[https://​​api/​text_api.html#​matplotlib.text.Text|all the text properties]]
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   * The [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html|figure(...)]] and the associated methods   * The [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html|figure(...)]] and the associated methods
   * The [[https://​​api/​axes_api.html|axes]] and the associated methods   * The [[https://​​api/​axes_api.html|axes]] and the associated methods
-  * [[https://​​tutorials/​introductory/​customizing.html#​matplotlib-rcparams|matplotlib default settings]] can be queried and updated+  * [[https://​​tutorials/​introductory/​customizing.html#​matplotlib-rcparams|matplotlib default ​config/settings]] can be queried and updated
     * example: the default figure size (inches) is ''​mpl.rcParams['​figure.figsize'​]''​ (''​[6.4,​ 4.8]''​)     * example: the default figure size (inches) is ''​mpl.rcParams['​figure.figsize'​]''​ (''​[6.4,​ 4.8]''​)
     * current settings'​ file:  ''​mpl.matplotlib_fname()''​     * current settings'​ file:  ''​mpl.matplotlib_fname()''​
 +  * [[https://​​api/​animation_api.html|Animations]] ([[https://​​gallery/​index.html#​animation|demo]])
 ==== Misc Matplotlib tricks ==== ==== Misc Matplotlib tricks ====
other/python/jyp_steps.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 12:51 by jypeter