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other:python:jyp_steps [2019/06/18 13:05]
jypeter [Useful matplotlib reference pages] Added default marker/edge size
other:python:jyp_steps [2019/07/09 14:39]
jypeter [Matplotlib] Added note about alpha/transparency
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 bottom_plot = plot_array[2]</​code>​ bottom_plot = plot_array[2]</​code>​
           * creating a figure and axes with a single line: ''​my_page,​ plot_array = **plt**.subplots(3,​ 1)''​           * creating a figure and axes with a single line: ''​my_page,​ plot_array = **plt**.subplots(3,​ 1)''​
 +        * use [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_axes|my_page.add_axes(...)]] to add an axis in an arbirary location of the page\\ ''​my_page.add_axes([left,​ bottom, width, height])''​
       * a Matplotlib **//​Artist//​** or //Patch// is //​something//​ (e.g a line, a group of markers, text, the legend...) plotted ​ on the Figure/Axis       * a Matplotlib **//​Artist//​** or //Patch// is //​something//​ (e.g a line, a group of markers, text, the legend...) plotted ​ on the Figure/Axis
       * **clearing** the //page// (or part of it): you probably won't need that...       * **clearing** the //page// (or part of it): you probably won't need that...
Line 222: Line 223:
         * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.subplots.html|plt.subplots(...)]] with an **s** at the end ([[https://​​gallery/​subplots_axes_and_figures/​subplots_demo.html|demo]])         * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.subplots.html|plt.subplots(...)]] with an **s** at the end ([[https://​​gallery/​subplots_axes_and_figures/​subplots_demo.html|demo]])
         * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.subplots_adjust.html|subplots_adjust]] can be used to change the overall boundaries of the subplots on the figure, and the spacing between the subplots\\ ''​plt.subplots_adjust(left=None,​ bottom=None,​ right=None, top=None, wspace=None,​ hspace=None)''​\\ or ''​my_page.subplots_adjust(left=None,​ bottom=None,​ right=None, top=None, wspace=None,​ hspace=None)''​         * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.subplots_adjust.html|subplots_adjust]] can be used to change the overall boundaries of the subplots on the figure, and the spacing between the subplots\\ ''​plt.subplots_adjust(left=None,​ bottom=None,​ right=None, top=None, wspace=None,​ hspace=None)''​\\ or ''​my_page.subplots_adjust(left=None,​ bottom=None,​ right=None, top=None, wspace=None,​ hspace=None)''​
 +          * ''​hspace''/''​wspace''​ is the amount of height/​width between the subplots
 +            * ''​hspace=0.1''​ is enough for just displaying the ticks and the labels, without the axis name
 +            * use ''​hspace=0''​ to stick the plots together vertically
 +              * do not forget to disable the ticks where there is no space to plot them: ''​my_plot.set_xticks([])''​
 +          * ''​my_page.subplots_adjust(right=0.75)''​ will leave 25% on the right of the page for adding a legend outside of a plot
 +        * You can also **resize an existing (sub)plot** the following way:
 +          - Get the current size information:​ ''​pl_x_bottomleft,​ pl_y_bottomleft,​ pl_width, pl_height = my_plot.get_position().bounds''​
 +          - Set the new size: e.g reduce the height with ''​my_plot.set_position( (pl_x_bottomleft,​ pl_y_bottomleft,​ pl_width, pl_height ​ * 0.5) )''​
       * [[https://​​gallery/​index.html#​subplots-axes-and-figures|Subplots,​ axes and figures]] gallery       * [[https://​​gallery/​index.html#​subplots-axes-and-figures|Subplots,​ axes and figures]] gallery
       * [[https://​​tutorials/​intermediate/​gridspec.html#​sphx-glr-tutorials-intermediate-gridspec-py|Customizing Figure Layouts Using GridSpec and Other Functions]],​ [[https://​​tutorials/​intermediate/​constrainedlayout_guide.html|constrained layout]] and [[https://​​tutorials/​intermediate/​tight_layout_guide.html|tight layout]]       * [[https://​​tutorials/​intermediate/​gridspec.html#​sphx-glr-tutorials-intermediate-gridspec-py|Customizing Figure Layouts Using GridSpec and Other Functions]],​ [[https://​​tutorials/​intermediate/​constrainedlayout_guide.html|constrained layout]] and [[https://​​tutorials/​intermediate/​tight_layout_guide.html|tight layout]]
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       * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|]]:​ named colors       * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|]]:​ named colors
       * More details about the colors below, in the [[#​graphics_related_resources|Resources section]]       * More details about the colors below, in the [[#​graphics_related_resources|Resources section]]
-    - if you don't see a part of what you have plotted, maybe it's hidden behind other elements! Use the [[https://​​examples/​pylab_examples/​zorder_demo.html|zorder parameter]] to explicitly specify the plotting order/​layers+    - if you don't see a part of what you have plotted, maybe it's hidden behind other elements! Use the [[https://​​examples/​pylab_examples/​zorder_demo.html|zorder parameter]] to explicitly ​**specify the plotting order/​layers/depth**
       * things should automatically work //as expected// if //zorder// is not explicitly specified       * things should automatically work //as expected// if //zorder// is not explicitly specified
       * Use the ''​zorder=NN''​ parameter when creating objects. ''​NN''​ is an integer where 0 is the lowest value (the farthest from the eye), and objects are plotted above objects with a lower //zorder// value       * Use the ''​zorder=NN''​ parameter when creating objects. ''​NN''​ is an integer where 0 is the lowest value (the farthest from the eye), and objects are plotted above objects with a lower //zorder// value
       * Use ''​matplotlib_object.set_order(NN)''​ to change the order after an object has been created       * Use ''​matplotlib_object.set_order(NN)''​ to change the order after an object has been created
 +    - you can use **transparency** to partially show what is behind some markers or other objects. Many //artists// accept the ''​alpha''​ parameter where ''​0.0''​ means that the object is completely transparent,​ and ''​1.0''​ means completely opaque\\ e.g. ''​my_plot.scatter(...,​ alpha=0.7)''​
     - sometimes the results of the python/​matplolib commands are displayed immediately,​ sometimes not. It depends if you are in [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​what-is-interactive-mode|interactive or non-interactive]] mode     - sometimes the results of the python/​matplolib commands are displayed immediately,​ sometimes not. It depends if you are in [[http://​​faq/​usage_faq.html#​what-is-interactive-mode|interactive or non-interactive]] mode
     - if your matplotlib is executed in a batch script, it will generate an error when trying to create (''​show()''​) a plot, because matplotlib expects to be able to display the figure on a screen by default.     - if your matplotlib is executed in a batch script, it will generate an error when trying to create (''​show()''​) a plot, because matplotlib expects to be able to display the figure on a screen by default.
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 ==== Useful matplotlib reference pages ==== ==== Useful matplotlib reference pages ====
-  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot(...)]]:​ Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers +  ​* Some plot types: 
-  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]:​ A scatter plot of y vs x with varying marker size and/or color+    ​* [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot(...)]]:​ Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers 
 +    * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]:​ A scatter plot of y vs x with varying marker size and/or color
     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color
 +    * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf.html|contour(...) and contourf(...)]]:​ draw contour lines and filled contours
 +  * X and Y axes parameters
 +    * Axis range: ''​my_plot.set_xlim(x_leftmost_value,​ x_rightmost_value)''​
 +      * Use the leftmost and rightmost values to specify the orientation of the axis (i.e the rightmost value can be smaller than the leftmost)
 +    * Axis label: ''​my_plot.set_xlabel(x_label_string,​ fontsize=axis_label_fontsize)''​
 +      * Use the extra labelpad parameter to move the label closer (negative value) to the axis or farther (positive value): e.g. ''​my_plot.set_xlabel('​A closer label',​ labelpad=-20''​
 +    * Major (and minor) tick marks location: ''​my_plot.set_xticks(x_ticks_values,​ minor=False)''​
 +      * Use an empty list if you don't want tick marks: ''​my_plot.set_xticks([])''​
 +    * Tick labels (if you don't want the default values): ''​my_plot.set_xticklabels(x_ticks_labels,​ minor=False,​ fontsize=ticklabels_fontsize)''​
 +      * ''​x_ticks_labels''​ is a list of strings that has the same length as ''​x_ticks_values''​. Use an empty string in the positions where you don't want a label
 +      * Many more options for ticks, labels, orientation,​ ...
   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html|line]] parameters   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html|line]] parameters
     * ''​linestyle'':​ ''​solid'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html#​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.set_linestyle|other]] ([[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​line_styles_reference.html|default styles example]], [[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​linestyles.html|custom styles example]])     * ''​linestyle'':​ ''​solid'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html#​matplotlib.lines.Line2D.set_linestyle|other]] ([[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​line_styles_reference.html|default styles example]], [[https://​​examples/​lines_bars_and_markers/​linestyles.html|custom styles example]])
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       * ''​cmap.set_over(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for high out-of-range values       * ''​cmap.set_over(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for high out-of-range values
       * ''​cmap.set_under(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for low out-of-range values       * ''​cmap.set_under(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for low out-of-range values
 +  * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar|colorbar]] and ([[https://​​gallery/​images_contours_and_fields/​contourf_demo.html|contourf + colorbar demo]])
   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.text.html|text(...)]] and [[https://​​tutorials/​text/​annotations.html|annotations]]   * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.text.html|text(...)]] and [[https://​​tutorials/​text/​annotations.html|annotations]]
     * Some titles:     * Some titles:
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   * The [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html|figure(...)]] and the associated methods   * The [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.figure.Figure.html|figure(...)]] and the associated methods
   * The [[https://​​api/​axes_api.html|axes]] and the associated methods   * The [[https://​​api/​axes_api.html|axes]] and the associated methods
-  * [[https://​​tutorials/​introductory/​customizing.html#​matplotlib-rcparams|matplotlib default settings]] can be queried and updated+  * [[https://​​tutorials/​introductory/​customizing.html#​matplotlib-rcparams|matplotlib default ​config/settings]] can be queried and updated
     * example: the default figure size (inches) is ''​mpl.rcParams['​figure.figsize'​]''​ (''​[6.4,​ 4.8]''​)     * example: the default figure size (inches) is ''​mpl.rcParams['​figure.figsize'​]''​ (''​[6.4,​ 4.8]''​)
     * current settings'​ file:  ''​mpl.matplotlib_fname()''​     * current settings'​ file:  ''​mpl.matplotlib_fname()''​
other/python/jyp_steps.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 12:51 by jypeter