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other:python:jyp_steps [2019/09/05 14:22]
jypeter Moved the bulk of the matplotlib section to its own page when it became too long
other:python:jyp_steps [2021/02/12 14:37]
jypeter [Graphics related resources] Added link to NCAR color table gallery
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     * the tutorial is very detailed about string handling, because strings offer an easy way to practice working with indices (indexing and slicing), before indexing numpy arrays. And our usual pre/​post-processing scripts often need to do a lot of string handling in order to generate the file/​variable/​experiment names     * the tutorial is very detailed about string handling, because strings offer an easy way to practice working with indices (indexing and slicing), before indexing numpy arrays. And our usual pre/​post-processing scripts often need to do a lot of string handling in order to generate the file/​variable/​experiment names
   * after reading this tutorial, you should practice with the following:   * after reading this tutorial, you should practice with the following:
-    * [[​public.php?​service=files&​t=9731fdad4521ac5fa6e84b392d3a2e44|Basic python training test (ipython notebook version)]]+    * [[​index.php/​s/​S3EO8cLrhVDeQWA|Basic python training test (ipython notebook version)]]
     * {{:​other:​python:​tp_intro_python_oct2013_no_solutions.pdf|Basic python training test (pdf version)}}     * {{:​other:​python:​tp_intro_python_oct2013_no_solutions.pdf|Basic python training test (pdf version)}}
     * {{:​other:​python:​tp_intro_python_oct2013_full.pdf|Basic python training test (pdf version, with answers)}}     * {{:​other:​python:​tp_intro_python_oct2013_full.pdf|Basic python training test (pdf version, with answers)}}
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   - always remember that indices start at ''​0''​ and that the last element of an array is at index ''​-1''​!\\ First learn about //​indexing//​ and //slicing// by manipulating strings, as shown in [[#​part1|Part 1]] above (try '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[::​-1]''​ and '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[slice(None,​ None, -1)]''​) 8-)   - always remember that indices start at ''​0''​ and that the last element of an array is at index ''​-1''​!\\ First learn about //​indexing//​ and //slicing// by manipulating strings, as shown in [[#​part1|Part 1]] above (try '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[::​-1]''​ and '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[slice(None,​ None, -1)]''​) 8-)
-  - if you are a Matlab user (but the references are interesting for others as well), you can read the following:+  - if you are a **Matlab user** (but the references are interesting for others as well), you can read the following: 
 +    - [[https://​​wp-content/​uploads/​2019/​08/​Enthought-MATLAB-to-Python-White-Paper-1.pdf|Migrating from MATLAB to Python]] on the [[https://​​software-development/​|Enthought Software Development page]]
     - [[https://​​doc/​numpy-dev/​user/​numpy-for-matlab-users.html|Numpy for Matlab users]]     - [[https://​​doc/​numpy-dev/​user/​numpy-for-matlab-users.html|Numpy for Matlab users]]
     - [[http://​​matlab-numpy.html|NumPy for MATLAB users]] (nice, but does not seem to be maintained any more)     - [[http://​​matlab-numpy.html|NumPy for MATLAB users]] (nice, but does not seem to be maintained any more)
Line 175: Line 176:
 <note important>​ <note important>​
-The full content of this //​matplotlib//​ section has been moved to\\ [[other:​python:​matplotlib_by_jyp|Working with matplotlib (JYP version)]]\\ after becoming too big to manage here</​note>​+The full content of this //​matplotlib//​ section has been moved to\\ [[other:​python:​matplotlib_by_jyp|Working with matplotlib (JYP version)]]\\ after becoming too big to manage here 
 +\\ Note: [[other:​python:​maps_by_jyp|Plotting maps with matplotlib+cartopy]] (examples provided by JYP) 
 Summary: there are lots of python libraries that you can use for plotting, but Matplotlib has become a //de facto// standard Summary: there are lots of python libraries that you can use for plotting, but Matplotlib has become a //de facto// standard
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     * See also: [[https://​​community/​tutorials/​seaborn-python-tutorial|     * See also: [[https://​​community/​tutorials/​seaborn-python-tutorial|
 Python Seaborn Tutorial For Beginners]] Python Seaborn Tutorial For Beginners]]
 +  * Communicating/​displaying/​plotting your data (possibly for people not of your field):
 +    * [[https://​​introduction-to-designing-data-visualizations-part-1-31c056556133|Introduction to Designing Data Visualizations — Part 1]]
 +    * [[https://​​tables-other-charts-data-visualization-part-2-cfc582e4712c|Tables & Other Charts — Data Visualization Part 2]]
 +    * [[https://​​tables-other-charts-data-visualization-part-3-5bfab15ce525|Tables & Other Charts — Data Visualization Part 3]]
   * Working with colors   * Working with colors
 +    * **Do not use the outdated //rainbow// colormap!**
 +      * [[http://​​datagraphics/​EOS/​Light-and-Bartlein.pdf|The End of the Rainbow? ​ Color Schemes for Improved Data Graphics]] (Light and Bartlein, EOS 2004, including replies and comments)
 +      * [[http://​​articles/​endrainbow.html|Somewhere over the Rainbow]]
     * [[https://​​users/​colormaps.html|Choosing colormaps]]     * [[https://​​users/​colormaps.html|Choosing colormaps]]
-    * [[https://​​cmocean/​|Beautiful colormaps for oceanography: ​cmocean]]+    * [[https://​​cmocean/​|cmocean: ​Beautiful colormaps for oceanography]] 
 +    * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable:​ Color palettes for Python]]
     * [[http://​|ColorBrewer 2.0]] is a tool that can help you understand, and experiment with //​sequential//,​ //​diverging//​ and //​qualitative//​ colormaps     * [[http://​|ColorBrewer 2.0]] is a tool that can help you understand, and experiment with //​sequential//,​ //​diverging//​ and //​qualitative//​ colormaps
 +    * The [[http://​​|hclwizard]] provides tools for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes based on the underlying ''​colorspace''​ software
 +    * NCL (NCAR Command Language) [[https://​​Document/​Graphics/​color_table_gallery.shtml|Color table Gallery]]
 ===== Basemap ===== ===== Basemap =====
-<note warning>​Basemap is going to be slowly phased out, in favor of [[#​cartopy]]\\ More information in this:+<note warning>​Basemap is going to be slowly phased out, in favor of [[#cartopy_iris|cartopy]]\\ More information in this:
   * [[https://​​SciTools/​cartopy/​issues/​920|cartopy github issue]]   * [[https://​​SciTools/​cartopy/​issues/​920|cartopy github issue]]
   * [[https://​​matplotlib/​basemap/​issues/​267|basemap github issue]]   * [[https://​​matplotlib/​basemap/​issues/​267|basemap github issue]]
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 Examples: Examples:
 +  * [[other:​python:​maps_by_jyp|Examples provided by JYP]]
   * [[http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​gallery.html|Gallery on the Cartopy web site]]   * [[http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​gallery.html|Gallery on the Cartopy web site]]
   * [[http://​​iris/​docs/​latest/​gallery.html|Gallery on the Iris web site]]   * [[http://​​iris/​docs/​latest/​gallery.html|Gallery on the Iris web site]]
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 We list here some resources about non-NetCDF data formats that can be useful We list here some resources about non-NetCDF data formats that can be useful
 +==== The shelve package ====
 +The [[https://​​3/​library/​shelve.html|built-in shelve package]], can be easily used for storing data (python objects like lists, dictionaries,​ numpy arrays that are not too big, ...) on disk and retrieving them later
 +Use case:
 +  - Use a script do to the heavy data pre-processing and store the (intermediate) results in a file using ''​shelve'',​ or update the results
 +  - Use another script for plotting the results stored with ''​shelve''​. This way you don't have to wait for the pre-processing step to finish each time you want to improve your plot(s)
 +  * read the [[https://​​3/​library/​shelve.html|documentation]] and the example carefully (it's quite small)
 +    * if you get the impression that the data is not saved correctly, re-read the parts about updating correctly the content of the shelve file
 +    * you should be able to store most python objects in a shelve file, but it is safer to make tests
 +  * do not forget to close the output file
 +  * if you are dealing with big arrays and want to avoid performance issues, you should use netCDF files for storing the intermediate results
 ==== json files ==== ==== json files ====
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 Where: [[http://​​_downloads/​ScipyLectures-simple.pdf|pdf]] - [[http://​​|html]] Where: [[http://​​_downloads/​ScipyLectures-simple.pdf|pdf]] - [[http://​​|html]]
-This is **a really nice and useful document** that is regularly updated and used for the [[https://​​|EuroScipy]] tutorials. ​You will learn more things about python, numpy and matplotlib, debugging and optimizing scripts, and also learn about using python for statistics, image processing, machine learning, washing dishes (this is just to check if you have read this page), etc...+This is **a really nice and useful document** that is regularly updated and used for the [[https://​​|EuroScipy]] tutorials. 
 +This document ​will teach you even more things about python, numpy and matplotlib, debugging and optimizing scripts, and about using python for statistics, image processing, machine learning, washing dishes (this is just to check if you have read this page), etc... 
 +  * Example: the [[http://​​packages/​statistics/​index.html|Statistics in Python]] tutorial that combines [[other:​python:​jyp_steps#​pandas|Pandas]],​ [[http://​​|Statsmodels]] and [[http://​​|Seaborn]]
 ===== Quick Reference and cheat sheets ===== ===== Quick Reference and cheat sheets =====
Line 342: Line 374:
 Depending on the distribution,​ the editor and the programming environment you use, you may have access to a graphical version of the debugger. UV-CDAT users can use ''​pydebug''​ Depending on the distribution,​ the editor and the programming environment you use, you may have access to a graphical version of the debugger. UV-CDAT users can use ''​pydebug''​
 +===== jupyter and notebook stuff =====
 +FIXME Misc notes, resources and links to organize later
 +  * [[https://​​|jupyter {book}]]: Jupyter Book is an open source project for building beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational material.
 ===== Using a Python IDE ===== ===== Using a Python IDE =====
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 ===== Python 2.7 vs Python 3 ===== ===== Python 2.7 vs Python 3 =====
-The official [[https://​​2.7/​howto/​pyporting.html|Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3]] page gives the required information to make the transition from python 2 to python ​3. It is still safe to use Python 2.7, so there is no rush to change to Python ​3.+It is still safe to use Python 2.7, but **you should consider upgrading to Python 3**, unless some key modules you need are not compatible (yet) with Python 3 
 +You should start writing code that will, when possible, work both in Python 2 and Python 3 
 +Some interesting reading: 
 +  * [[https://​​3/​whatsnew/​3.0.html|What’s New In Python 3.0]].\\ Examples: 
 +    * ''​print''​ is now a function. Use ''​print('​Hello'​)''​ 
 +    * You cannot test a difference with ''<>''​ any longer! Use ''​!=''​ 
 +  * The official [[https://​​2.7/​howto/​pyporting.html|Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3]] page gives the required information to make the transition from python 2 to python 3. 
 ===== What now? ===== ===== What now? =====
other/python/jyp_steps.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 12:51 by jypeter