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other:uvcdat:installed [2014/04/24 08:26]
jypeter Updated the required disk space info
other:uvcdat:installed [2015/06/08 10:25]
jypeter Started table size for 2.1 install
Line 8: Line 8:
   * [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat|UV-CDAT @ github]]   * [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat|UV-CDAT @ github]]
   * [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat/​issues?​state=open|UV-CDAT issues @ github]]   * [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat/​issues?​state=open|UV-CDAT issues @ github]]
 +===== 2.1.0 =====
 +Official details : 
 +cdat_multi configuration version: 13
 +==== Available configurations ====
 +^  Machine ​ ^  Config ​ ^  Python/​date ​ ^ Notes  ^
 +|  LSCE  |  LSCE_13 ​ |  2.7.8, Jan 22 2015  | **Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)**\\ Used system'​s cmake ( and the same recompiled Qt (4.8.5) used for uv-cdat 1.5.1 |
 +|  ciclad ​ |  ciclad_13 ​ |  2.7.8, Feb  5 2015  | **Scientific Linux release 6.6 (Carbon)**\\ Used system'​s cmake ( and the same recompiled Qt (4.8.5) used for uv-cdat 1.5.1 |
 +|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |  VB_13  |  2.7.8, Feb  2 2015  | **Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug)**\\ Used system'​s cmake ( and Qt (4.8.6-18.fc20.x86_64) |
 +==== Log files ====
 +^  Machine ​ ^  make  ^  ctest  ^
 +|  LSCE  | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​|txt}} | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​|txt}} |
 +|  ciclad | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​|txt}} | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​|txt}} |
 +|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  | {{:​other:​|txt}} | {{:​other:​|txt}} |
 +=== make summary ===
 +              --- WARNING ---
 +2 Packages reported as FAILED, see logs
 +                contrib/​pyclimate
 +                contrib/MSU
 +=== ctest summary ===
 +In a new installation,​ test #343 (//​diags_test_01//​) will **fail** the first time **ctest** is called because the test data in the **UVCMETRICS_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY** directory is not available
 +99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 343
 +Total Test time (real) = 478.10 sec
 +The following tests FAILED:
 +        343 - diags_test_01 (Failed)
 +Errors while running CTest
 +If you run **ctest -D Experimental**,​ the test data is downloaded and all tests pass!
 +100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 343
 +Total Test time (real) = 697.55 sec
 +==== ccmake options ====
 +Note: we have **not** explicitly requested to turn on the testing, because it is supposed to be //ON// by default
 +=== GIT_PROTOCOL ===
 +We have used **-D GIT_PROTOCOL=git:​%%//​%%**. See the [[#​section151|1.5.1 options]] for more details
 +We want to get //most of the useful stuff//. Check [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat/​wiki/​Install-from-source-command-line-options|Install from source command line options]] for more details
 +We need to experiment with CMOR...
 +=== Misc options ===
 +^  What do we want?  ^  ccmake option ​ ^
 +| basemap | -D CDAT_BUILD_BASEMAP=ON |
 +| matplotlib | -D CDAT_BUILD_MATPLOTLIB=ON |
 +| scientificpython | -D CDAT_BUILD_SCIENTIFICPYTHON=ON |
 +| sckikits\\ if we want to experiment later with scikit image| -D CDAT_BUILD_SCIKITS=ON |
 +| shapely seems useful for dealing with data on irregular grids | -D CDAT_BUILD_SHAPELY=ON |
 +| ipython notebook\\ some users may want to play with that | -D CDAT_BUILD_JINJA2=ON -D CDAT_BUILD_PYGMENTS=ON -D CDAT_BUILD_PYZMQ=ON -D CDAT_BUILD_SPHINX=ON -D CDAT_BUILD_TORNADO=ON |
 +**-D UVCMETRICS_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY=/<​some_scratch_directory>/​uvcmetrics_test_data**
 +The content of this directory is required for ctest **Test #343: diags_test_01** to pass. Strangely, it is only downloaded when you run **ctest -D Experimental**,​ so **ctest** (without //-D Experimental//​) fails test #343 the first time... ​
 +=== LIBXML2 & LIBXSLT ===
 +We have tried to use the system'​s installed //libxml2// and //libxslt// libraries by using the following options:
 +Unfortunately,​ uvcdat still compiles the new version of the libraries, and then the system'​s cmake gets confused and we get **lots** of warning messages of the following kind each time cmake is called. See [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat/​issues/​444|issue 444]] for more details
 +cmake --version
 +cmake: /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​versions/​cdat_install_uv-2.1.0_x86_64_gcc4_13/​Externals/​lib/​​ no version information available (required by /​usr/​lib64/​
 +cmake: /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​versions/​cdat_install_uv-2.1.0_x86_64_gcc4_13/​Externals/​lib/​​ no version information available (required by /​usr/​lib64/​
 +cmake: /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​versions/​cdat_install_uv-2.1.0_x86_64_gcc4_13/​Externals/​lib/​​ no version information available (required by /​usr/​lib64/​
 +cmake: /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​versions/​cdat_install_uv-2.1.0_x86_64_gcc4_13/​Externals/​lib/​​ no version information available (required by /​usr/​lib64/​
 +cmake version
 +==== System specific notes ====
 +=== VB_13 installation ===
 +  * During the compilation,​ make fails because of the VTK/​Mesa/​OpenGL/​FedoraCore20 related problem detailed in [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat/​issues/​983|issue 983]]\\ \\ Solution: uncomment the **#define GLX_GLXEXT_LEGACY** line in //​build/​build/​VTK/​Rendering/​OpenGL/​vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx//​ and restart the compilation
 +  * After resuming the compilation with the above patch, the compilation fails because of a CMOR related make/​Makefile error described in [[https://​​PCMDI/​cmor/​issues/​14|CMOR issue 14]]\\ \\ Solution: indent lines 156 and 157 with a **Tab** instead of 8 spaces in build/​build/​cmor/​Makefile and restart the compilation
 +==== Disk space ====
 +The following disk space was required for the installation
 +^  Machine ​ ^  -A-\\ \\ cmake compile\\ (1)  ^  -B-\\ \\ cmake install ​ ^  -C-\\ \\ qt compile\\ (1)  ^  -D-\\ \\ qt install ​ ^  -E-\\ \\ cdat src\\ (2?)  ^  -F-\\ \\ cdat build\\ (2)  ^  -G-\\ \\ cdat install\\ (2)  ^  -H-\\ \\ Externals\\ ​ (3)\\  Sub-dir of install ​ ^  -I-\\ \\ Installation\\ space\\ ​ (4)  ^  -J-\\ \\ Final\\ space\\ (5)  ^
 +|  LSCE  |  0 (6)  |  0 (6)  |  1.6G  |  451M  |    |    |    |    |    |    |
 +|  ciclad ​ |  0 (6)  |  0 (6)  |  ?  |  455M  |  578M  |  4.7G  |  1.6G  |  545M  |    |    |
 +|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |  0 (6)  |  0 (6)  |  0 (6)  |  0 (6)  |  565M  |  5.0G  |  1.7G  |  511M  |    |    |
 +  * (1) The compilation directories of cmake and Qt can be removed once the installation of cmake/Qt is finished (ie can be removed before starting with uv-cdat)
 +  * (2) The packages required for the GUI, and Paraview, were not installed and would probably require even more space
 +  * (3) The size of this directory can change depending on the dependencies use from what's already available on the system (xml2 and xslt in this installation) and what we recompile
 +  * (4) Sum of the columns, if we erase the A/C directories:​ B + D + E + F + G
 +  * (5) Sum of the columns, if we erase the B/E/F directories:​ D + G
 +  * (6) We used the version available on the system (that was enough up-to-date)
 +===== 2.0.0 =====
 +Official details : 
 +cdat_multi configuration version: 12
 +===== 2.0.beta =====
 +Official details : [[https://​​UV-CDAT/​uvcdat/​wiki/​Roadmap-to-Release#​release-planned-july-2014|2.0.beta]]
 +cdat_multi configuration version: 11
 +==== Available configurations ====
 +^  Machine ​ ^  Config ​ ^  Python/​date ​ ^ Notes  ^
 +|  LSCE  |  LSCE_11 ​ |  2.7.7, Aug  1 2014  | Used the same recompiled cmake and Qt as for 1.5.1 |
 +|  ciclad |  ciclad_11-ng ​ |  2.7.7, Aug  4 2014  | Used the same recompiled cmake and Qt as for 1.5.1 |
 +==== Log files ====
 +^  Machine ​ ^  make  ^  ctest  ^
 +|  LSCE  | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​lsce_cdat_make_uv-2.0.beta_x86_64_gcc4_20140801_1801.txt|txt}} | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​lsce_cdat_ctest_uv-2.0.beta_x86_64_gcc4_20140804_1209.txt|txt}} |
 +|  ciclad-ng ​ | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​ciclad-ng_cdat_make_uv-2.0.beta_x86_64_gcc4_20140804_1725.txt|txt}} | {{:​other:​uvcdat:​ciclad-ng_cdat_ctest_uv-2.0.beta_x86_64_gcc4_20140805_1017.txt|txt}} |
 +=== make summary ===
 +2 Packages reported as FAILED, see logs
 +                contrib/​pyclimate
 +                contrib/MSU
 +=== ctest summary ===
 +53% tests passed, 35 tests failed out of 74
 +Total Test time (real) = 1020.63 sec
 +The following tests FAILED:
 +          2 - cdms_test (Failed)
 +          3 - cdms_verify (Failed)
 +          4 - cdms_load_and_plot_axis_variable (Failed)
 +          5 - run_uvcdat_gui_tests (Failed)
 +          6 - test177_regrid_mask (Failed)
 +          8 - testDoutriaux (Failed)
 +          9 - testMarvel (Failed)
 +         10 - testUnits (Failed)
 +         11 - testRaynaud (Failed)
 +         12 - testDateline (Failed)
 +         14 - testDiag (Failed)
 +         15 - testSo2TasACCESSFails (Failed)
 +         16 - testSo2Tas (Failed)
 +         17 - testWrite (Failed)
 +         18 - testMvCdmsRegrid (Failed)
 +         21 - testConserv (Failed)
 +         22 - testEsmfVsLibcf (Failed)
 +         23 - testEsmfInterface1 (Failed)
 +         28 - testTasRegrid (Failed)
 +         30 - testRegrid2 (Failed)
 +         34 - testEsmf_3x4_6x8_Conserve_Masked (Failed)
 +         36 - testMvGenericRegrid (Failed)
 +         37 - testSalinity (Failed)
 +         38 - testEsmfSalinity (Failed)
 +         39 - testEsmf (Failed)
 +         40 - testBergman (Failed)
 +         41 - testDistSrc (Failed)
 +         43 - vcs_verify_import (Failed)
 +         44 - vcs_verify_init (Failed)
 +         45 - vcs_verify_boxfill_basics (Failed)
 +         46 - vcs_verify_proj_basics (Failed)
 +         47 - vcs_verify_fillarea_basics (Failed)
 +         66 - CDMS_Test_17 (Failed)
 +         68 - CDMS_Test_multiple_formats (Failed)
 +         74 - diags_test_01 (Failed)
 +==== ccmake options ====
 +==== Installation environment ====
 +=== LSCE ===
 +Same as for 1.5.1
 +=== ciclad-ng ===
 +Same as for 1.5.1
 +=== VirtualBox FC20 ===
 +==== Disk space ====
 +The following disk space was required for the installation
 +==== Extra packages installed ====
 +=== Requests: HTTP for Humans ===
 +Web site: http://​​en/​latest/​
 +Install: ''​pip install requests''​
 ===== 1.5.1 ===== ===== 1.5.1 =====
Line 14: Line 266:
 cdat_multi configuration version: 10 cdat_multi configuration version: 10
 +==== Special warning ====
 +The default backend for matplotlib (Agg) could not be used for interactive graphics and we had to manually update the content of the default matplotlibrc
 +#​backend ​     : Agg
 +backend ​     : Qt4Agg
 ==== Available configurations ==== ==== Available configurations ====
 ^  Machine ​ ^  Config ​ ^  Python/​date ​ ^ Notes  ^ ^  Machine ​ ^  Config ​ ^  Python/​date ​ ^ Notes  ^
-|  LSCE  |  LSCE_10 ​ | 2.7.4, Apr 23 2014 | |+|  LSCE  |  LSCE_10 ​ | 2.7.4, Apr 23 2014 | Had to use recompiled\\ cmake ( and Qt (4.8.5)\\ because the system ones\\ were too old|
 |  ciclad ​ |  ciclad_10 ​ |  **FAILED**\\ :-(  | Linux too old,\\ even when specifying recent\\ gcc44/​gfortran44/​g++44 compilers,​\\ we end up with too many problems, ... :-(  | |  ciclad ​ |  ciclad_10 ​ |  **FAILED**\\ :-(  | Linux too old,\\ even when specifying recent\\ gcc44/​gfortran44/​g++44 compilers,​\\ we end up with too many problems, ... :-(  |
-|  ciclad-ng ​ |  ciclad_10-ng ​ |  2.7.4, Apr 22 2014 | |+|  ciclad-ng ​ |  ciclad_10-ng ​ |  2.7.4, Apr 22 2014 | Had to use recompiled\\ cmake ( and Qt (4.8.5)\\ because the system ones\\ were too old |
 |  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |  VB_10  | | |  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |  VB_10  | |
Line 29: Line 292:
 |  ciclad ​ |  :-(  |  :-(  | |  ciclad ​ |  :-(  |  :-(  |
 |  ciclad-ng ​ |  {{:​other:​uvcdat:​cdat_make_uv-1.5.1_x86_64_gcc4_20140422_1445.txt|txt}} ​ |  {{:​other:​uvcdat:​cdat_ctest_uv-1.5.1_x86_64_gcc4_20140422_1541.txt|txt}} ​ | |  ciclad-ng ​ |  {{:​other:​uvcdat:​cdat_make_uv-1.5.1_x86_64_gcc4_20140422_1445.txt|txt}} ​ |  {{:​other:​uvcdat:​cdat_ctest_uv-1.5.1_x86_64_gcc4_20140422_1541.txt|txt}} ​ |
-|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |       |+|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |  ​{{:​other:​uvcdat:​cdat_make_uv-1.5.1_x86_64_gcc4_vb_20140427_2220.txt|txt}}  |  {{:​other:​uvcdat:​cdat_ctest_uv-1.5.1_x86_64_gcc4_vb_20140427_2352.txt|txt}}  ​|
 === make summary === === make summary ===
Line 118: Line 381:
 |  gfortran ​ | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) | |  gfortran ​ | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) |
 |  g++  | g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) | |  g++  | g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) |
-|  Qt  | qt-4.6.2-28.el6_5.x86_64 => had to install 4.8.5 | +|  Qt  | qt-4.6.2-28.el6_5.x86_64 ​**=> had to install 4.8.5** 
-|  cmake  | cmake-2.6.4-5.el6.x86_64 => had to install |+|  cmake  | cmake-2.6.4-5.el6.x86_64 ​**=> had to install** |
Line 126: Line 389:
 |  /​etc/​redhat-release ​ | CentOS release 5.2 (Final) | |  /​etc/​redhat-release ​ | CentOS release 5.2 (Final) |
 |  uname -a  | Linux 2.6.18-348.4.1.el5\\ #1 SMP Tue Apr 16 15:40:06 EDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | |  uname -a  | Linux 2.6.18-348.4.1.el5\\ #1 SMP Tue Apr 16 15:40:06 EDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
-|  gcc44  | gcc44 (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) | +|  ​**gcc44**  | gcc44 (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) | 
-|  gfortran44 ​ | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) | +|  ​**gfortran44**  | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) | 
-|  g++44  | g++44 (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) | +|  ​**g++44**  | g++44 (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) | 
-|  Qt  | qt4-4.7.4-0 => had to install 4.8.5 | +|  Qt  | qt4-4.7.4-0 ​**=> had to install 4.8.5** 
-|  cmake  | cmake-2.6.4-5.el5.2 => had to install |+|  cmake  | cmake-2.6.4-5.el5.2 ​**=> had to install** |
Line 140: Line 403:
 |  gfortran ​ | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) | |  gfortran ​ | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) |
 |  g++  | g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) | |  g++  | g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) |
-|  Qt  | qt-4.6.2-26.el6_4.x86_64 => had to install 4.8.5 | +|  Qt  | qt-4.6.2-26.el6_4.x86_64 ​**=> had to install 4.8.5** 
-|  cmake  | cmake-2.6.4-5.el6.x86_64 => had to install |+|  cmake  | cmake-2.6.4-5.el6.x86_64 ​**=> had to install** |
-=== VirtualBox ===+=== VirtualBox ​FC20 ===
-|  /​etc/​redhat-release ​ |  +|  /​etc/​redhat-release ​ | Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug) ​
-|  uname -a  |  +|  uname -a  | Linux 3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64\\ #1 SMP Mon Apr 14 20:34:16 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/​Linux ​
-|  gcc  |  +|  gcc  | gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7) ​
-|  gfortran ​ |  +|  gfortran ​ | GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7) ​
-|  g++  |  +|  g++  | g++ (GCC) 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7) ​
-|  Qt  |  +|  Qt  | qt-4.8.5-15.fc20.x86_64 ​
-|  cmake  |  |+|  cmake  | cmake- ​|
 ==== Disk space ==== ==== Disk space ====
Line 162: Line 425:
 |  ciclad ​ |  ?  |  66M  |  ?  |  455M  |  407M  |  2.8G\\ FAILED :-(  |  390M\\ FAILED :-(  |  176M\\ FAILED :-(  |  :-(  |  :-(  | |  ciclad ​ |  ?  |  66M  |  ?  |  455M  |  407M  |  2.8G\\ FAILED :-(  |  390M\\ FAILED :-(  |  176M\\ FAILED :-(  |  :-(  |  :-(  |
 |  ciclad-ng ​ |  ?  |  69M  |  ?  |  449M  |  407M  |  3.1G  |  1.1G  |  366M  |  5.10G  |  1.54G  | |  ciclad-ng ​ |  ?  |  69M  |  ?  |  449M  |  407M  |  3.1G  |  1.1G  |  366M  |  5.10G  |  1.54G  |
-|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |                         |+|  VirtualBox\\ FC20  |  0 (6)  ​ 0 (6)  ​ 0 (6)  ​ 0 (6)  ​ ​407M  ​ ​3.6G  ​ ​1.2G  ​ ​325M ​ |  5.20G  |  1.2G  ​|
 Notes: Notes:
Line 170: Line 433:
   * (4) Sum of the columns, if we erase the A/C directories:​ B + D + E + F + G   * (4) Sum of the columns, if we erase the A/C directories:​ B + D + E + F + G
   * (5) Sum of the columns, if we erase the B/E/F directories:​ D + G   * (5) Sum of the columns, if we erase the B/E/F directories:​ D + G
 +  * (6) We used the version available on the system (that was enough up-to-date)
other/uvcdat/installed.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/04 08:30 by jypeter