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other:win10config [2020/01/06 13:16]
jypeter [Restoring applications' settings from another computer]
other:win10config [2022/01/17 17:16]
jypeter [The most important folders] Improved
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-====== ​Basic Windows 10 Configuration ======+====== Windows 10 Configuration ======
-===== Activating system protection =====+[[other:​index#​windows_10_notes|Other Windows 10 related notes]]
-Check https://​​en-us/​help/​12415/​windows-10-recovery-options+===== Starting your computer faster ===== 
 +  * If your computer has been configured at LSCE, it will always try to connect to the LSCE wired network to check if your password has changed, when you type your password on the login screen.\\ \\ **If you are not on the LSCE wired network** (e.g when you use the //eduroam// or //ORME ACCES// (aka //guest//) WiFi or when you are outside LSCE), there will be a 1-2 minutes delay until Windows is sure that it can't connect to the LSCE password server before starting the session... Windows is not slow, this is just an **annoying connection timeout delay**.\\ \\ The **easy workaround** is just to temporarily interrupt the network, type your password, and then restart the network 
 +    * laptop + WiFi: you just have to activate the **airplane mode**, type your password, and leave the airplane mode 
 +      * **Activating airplane mode** from the login screen: look for //Lock screen// in [[https://​​how-enable-or-disable-airplane-mode-windows-10|How to enable or disable Airplane mode on Windows 10]] 
 +      * **Turning off airplane mode** from an active session: [[https://​​en-us/​windows/​turn-airplane-mode-on-or-off-f2c2e0a1-706f-ff26-c4b2-4a37f9796df1|Turn airplane mode on or off]] 
 +    * Desktop or laptop connected to an ethernet cable outside LSCE: in this rare case, just be patient, or temporarily unplug the network cable 
 +  * When you (re)start your computer, you have to wait for Windows to start, launch your applications,​ type your passwords, etc... Fortunately,​ you can also **restart from the exact same state when you stopped using the computer**, by [[other:​win10config#​checking_power_settings_and_activating_hibernation|using the hibernation mode]] (aka //Mise en veille prolongée//​). 
 +    * Your computer will **not** use the battery when it is hibernating 
 +    * All network connections will of course be brutally closed when your computer enters hibernation,​ so it is better to cleanly close the remote applications (text editors, etc...) and terminals before hibernation 
 +===== Laptop: touchpad settings ===== 
 +There are many actions that you can perform with a touchpad, instead of using a 2-3 buttons mouse, including simulating a right-click and middle-click 
 +Be sure to: 
 +  * at least read the [[https://​​en-us/​windows/​touch-gestures-for-windows-a9d28305-4818-a5df-4e2b-e5590f850741|Touchpad gestures for Windows]] page 
 +  * check and configure/​improve the default Settings: ''​Start''​ => ''​Settings''​ => ''​Devices''​ => ''​Touchpad''​ 
 +    * this is The Place where you can specify that tapping the touchpad with 3 fingers will simulate clicking on the middle button of a mouse 
 +===== Laptop and WiFi ===== 
 +==== LSCE guest network ==== 
 +This is the network your guests can use when they visit LSCE, but this is also a way for **you** to get WiFi access at LSCE when //eduroam// is not configured yet. Do not forget that you will need to download a configuration package before you can use eduroam 
 +[[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​index.php|guest network configuration]] 
 +==== eduroam network ==== 
 +This is the most convenient way to use WiFi at LSCE, and when you travel to other research labs (including foreign labs) 
 +Do not forget to take care of the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​eduroam.php|eduroam network configuration]] when you are at LSCE and when you can easily make sure that eduroam is working correctly! 
 +===== Activating system protection by Recovery ===== 
 +Visit [[https://​​en-us/​help/​12415/​windows-10-recovery-options|Recovery options in Windows 10]] and follow the steps below to make sure that the //system protection by recovery// is activated:​ 
 +  * **English**:​ follow the steps in //Restore from a system restore point// and make sure that //Turn on system protection//​ option is activated for the ''​C:​\''​ drive 
 +  * **Français**:​ suivez les instructions dans //​Restauration à partir d'un point de restauration système// et vérifiez que //Activer la protection du système// est sélectionnée pour le disque ''​C:​\''​ 
 +    * ''​Panneau de configuration''​ => Chercher //​recovery//​ => ''​Créer un point de restauration''​ => Vérifier si la protection de ''​C:​\''​ est //​Activée//​ dans le panneau ''​Paramètres de protection''​. Sinon sélectionner ''​C:​\''​ puis cliquer sur ''​Configurer...''​
 ===== Displaying the Computer icon on the desktop ===== ===== Displaying the Computer icon on the desktop =====
-This will allow you to access your disks more conveniently/​quickly. Follow the steps below and move the Computer icon to the top left of the screen+This will allow you to access your disks more conveniently/​quickly. Follow the steps below and move the **Computer** icon (''​This PC''​ or ''​Ce PC''​) ​to the top left of the screen, and the **Recycle Bin** icon to the bottom left
 [[https://​​en-us/​help/​4027090/​windows-show-desktop-icons-in-windows-10|Show desktop icons in Windows 10]] [[https://​​en-us/​help/​4027090/​windows-show-desktop-icons-in-windows-10|Show desktop icons in Windows 10]]
 +===== Using the VPN =====
 +A correct VPN (Virtual Private Network) configuration will allow you to access CEA resources from outside, and LSCE resources (e.g. disk servers, jupyterhub) as if your computer was physically connected to the LSCE network
 +[[https://​​informatique/​en/​intra-cea.php|VPN usage and configuration]]
 ===== Configuring folders and shortcuts ===== ===== Configuring folders and shortcuts =====
-You should have most of your files in the two following folders: +If you have followed the steps above to display the //​Computer//​ icon on the desktop, you should now be able to easily access your disks! 
-  * Local //HOME// FOLDER: ''<​some_disk:>​\Users\<​your_login>''​ + 
-    * This is where you keep your work. **Do not** put this folder on the ''​C:''​ system disk/​partition (unless you have only one partition on the computer) +==== The most important folders ==== 
-    * This folder is different from your Windows //User// folder! => ''​C:​\Users\<​your_login>''​ + 
-      * Documents ​on your desktop are located in ''​C:​\Users\<​your_login>​\Desktop''​+You should have most of your files in (sub-folders of) the two following folders ​(create them if they don't exist yet). If you are moving from another computer, maybe you just have to copy these [[other:win7migrate#​be_ready_to_move_your_files|folders from the previous computer]] 
 +  ​* **Local //HOME// FOLDER**: ''<​some_disk:>​\Users\<​your_login>''​ 
 +    * This is where you keep your work. **Do not** put this folder on the ''​C:​\''​ system disk/​partition (unless you have only one partition on the computer) 
 +    * This folder is **different** from your Windows //User// folder! => ''​C:​\Users\<​your_login>''​ 
 +      * Note: documents ​on your desktop are located in ''​C:​\Users\<​your_login>​\Desktop''​
     * Remember to make a backup of this folder regularly!     * Remember to make a backup of this folder regularly!
-      * You can use a [[other:​win10apps#​backup_software|Backup program]] to save your work +      * You can use a [[other:​win10apps#​backup_software|Backup program]] to easily and quickly ​save your work 
-  * Local //SCRATCH// FOLDER: ''<​another_disk:>​\Scratch\<​your_login>''​+ 
 +  ​* **Local //SCRATCH// FOLDER**: ''<​another_disk:>​\Scratch\<​your_login>''​
     * The place where you store your temporary files, installation programs, etc...     * The place where you store your temporary files, installation programs, etc...
 +    * It's OK to put this folder on the ''​C:​\''​ drive if you have enough space on ''​C:​\''​
 +    * Remember to clean this folder from time to time, especially if you need some disk space
 ==== Creating folder shortcuts on the desktop ==== ==== Creating folder shortcuts on the desktop ====
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 === Local folders === === Local folders ===
-Use the file explorer to go to your local //Home// folder inside the ''​Users''​ folder (the ''​Users'' ​that is not on the ''​C:''​ disk), click on the small folder icon at the left of the bar displaying the folder location, and drag the icon on the desktop. This will create a shortcut that you can rename //Home Local//+  * Use the file explorer to go to your local //Home// folder inside the ''​Users''​ folder (''​<​a_disk_different_from_C>:​\Users\<​your_login>​''​),​ click on the small folder icon at the left of the bar displaying the folder location, and drag the icon on the desktop. This will create a shortcut that you can rename //Home Local//
-Do the same thing to create a //Scratch Local// shortcut on the desktop, pointing to ''<​another_disk:​>​\Scratch\<​your_login>''​+  * Do the same thing to create a //Scratch Local// shortcut on the desktop, pointing to ''<​a_disk_different_from_C>:\Scratch\<​your_login>''​ 
 +  * Note: if you install [[other:​win10wsl|Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and Ubuntu]] later, you can also create a //Home WSL// shortcut to your local Linux home directory in ''​\\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\<​your_login>''​
 === Folders on the LSCE servers === === Folders on the LSCE servers ===
-When you are on the LSCE network, open the file explorer, copy paste ''​\\dfshost\dfs\home''​ in the location field and press <​Return>​ to display the content of your Linux home directory. Grab the folder icon at the left of the location field, drop it on the desktop and rename it //Home Linux//.+When your computer is connected to the LSCE network, open the file explorer, copy paste ''​\\dfshost\dfs\home''​ in the location field and press <​Return>​ to display the content of your Linux home directory. Grab the folder icon at the left of the location field, drop it on the desktop and rename it //Home Linux//.
 Do the same thing with ''​\\dfshost\dfs\scratch01\<​your_login>''​ and create a //Scratch Linux// shortcut Do the same thing with ''​\\dfshost\dfs\scratch01\<​your_login>''​ and create a //Scratch Linux// shortcut
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 ==== Displaying hidden folders ==== ==== Displaying hidden folders ====
-  - Open the file explorer +Follow ​the steps in [[|Show hidden files (Windows 10)]]
-  - Select File -> Change folders and search options -> Display +
-  - Enable ​//Display hidden files and folders/+
-  ​Unselect ​//Mask known file types extensions/+
-  ​Save+
 +In the //View// tab, you should also **uncheck** the option //Hide extensions for known file types//
 ===== Checking power settings and activating hibernation ===== ===== Checking power settings and activating hibernation =====
 +<note tip>You may want to use different settings for
 +  * a **desktop** that is always connected to a power source and the LSCE network
 +  * a **laptop** where you want to spare the battery
 +    * You can also spare a laptop'​s battery by disabling Wifi and Bluetooth when you don't need them
 Go to the Power panel: ''​Win''​+''​I''​ => //System// => //Power and sleep// Go to the Power panel: ''​Win''​+''​I''​ => //System// => //Power and sleep//
-  * Check/​choose when the screen and PC should go to sleep +  * Check/​choose when the **screen** and **PC** should go to sleep 
-    * <wrap em>If you have to maintain a network connection</​wrap>​ (ssh, cygwin/X, etc…) you have to set up the options so that the computer will **never** go to sleep (at least not when it's connected to a power source, for laptops!) ​+    * <wrap em>If you have to maintain a network connection</​wrap>​ (''​ssh''​''​VcXsrv''​, etc…) ​**you have to** set up the options so that the computer will **never** go to sleep (at least not when it's connected to a power source, for laptops!) 
 +      * Select **Never** in the //Sleep// pull-down menu 
   * Go to //​Additional power settings// => //Choose what the power button does// => //Change settings that are currently unavailable//​   * Go to //​Additional power settings// => //Choose what the power button does// => //Change settings that are currently unavailable//​
-    * Select when the computer should sleep, hibernate or shutdown +    * Select when the computer should sleep, hibernate or shutdown, depending on buttons/​keys you use 
-    * If you have a laptop, it's really useful to enable //Hibernation// when you press the //Sleep// button of the laptop (''​Fn''​ key and the function key with a moon logo). When your laptop is in //sleep// mode, it will still use some of the battery, but no power is required for the //hibernation// mode.+    * If you have a **laptop**, it's really useful to enable //Hibernate// when you press the //Sleep// button of the laptop (''​Fn''​ key and the function key with a moon logo).\\ When your laptop is in //Sleep// mode, it will still use some of the battery, but no power is required for the //Hibernate// mode.
 [[https://​​en-us/​help/​13770/​windows-shut-down-sleep-hibernate-your-pc|More details]] [[https://​​en-us/​help/​13770/​windows-shut-down-sleep-hibernate-your-pc|More details]]
-Tech note: if you want to save space and remove the hibernation file (C:​\hiberfil.sys) on a desktop because you know that you will never use hibernation, you can just type ''​powercfg -h off''​ in a cmd shell (''​powercfg -h on''​ to re-activate). You should always use hibernation on a laptop, for performance reasons+Tech note: if you want to save space and remove the hibernation file (C:​\hiberfil.sys) on a desktop because you know that you will never use //​hibernate//​, you can just type ''​powercfg -h off''​ in a cmd shell (''​powercfg -h on''​ to re-activate). You should always use hibernation on a laptop, for performance reasons
 ===== Using keyboard shortcuts ===== ===== Using keyboard shortcuts =====
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 Follow the steps on the LSCE [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​eduroam.php|Eduroam WiFi]] page Follow the steps on the LSCE [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​eduroam.php|Eduroam WiFi]] page
 +===== Activating Microsoft Office update =====
 +It seems that you will not automatically receive //Microsoft Office// updates. You have to [[other:​win10maintain#​updating_microsoft_office|manually activate this]]
 +===== More things to check and configure =====
 +  * Check the [[https://​​en-us/​help/​4468227/​windows-10-activity-history-and-your-privacy-microsoft-privacy|Windows 10 activity history and your privacy]] settings to determine the //activity history// information (the files you have opened) you want to keep locally, and share with your other Windows devices (through your Microsoft account) and Microsoft.
 ===== Adding useful applications ===== ===== Adding useful applications =====
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 ===== Configuring WSL to use Ubuntu on your computer ===== ===== Configuring WSL to use Ubuntu on your computer =====
-Follow ​the steps on the [[other:​win10wsl|Windows Subsystem for Linux, and Ubuntu]] page+If you work on remote Linux servers, but also want to do some //Linux stuff// locally (possibly when you are offline or have a poor network connection),​ follow ​the steps on the [[other:​win10wsl|Windows Subsystem for Linux, and Ubuntu]] page!
other/win10config.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/13 14:12 by jypeter