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Basic Windows 10 Configuration

Activating system protection

Displaying the Computer icon on the desktop

This will allow you to access your disks more conveniently/quickly

Show desktop icons in Windows 10

Configuring folders and shortcuts

You should have most of your files in 2 different folders:

  • DATA FOLDER: <disk:>\Users\<your_login>
    • This is where you keep your work, preferably not on the C: system disk/partition
    • Remember to make a backup of this folder regularly!
  • SCRATCH FOLDER: <disk:>\Scratch\<your_login>
    • The place where you store your temporary files, installation programs, etc…

Creating folder shortcuts on the desktop

Local folders

Use the file explorer to go to your folder inside the Users folder, click on the small folder icon at the left of the bar displaying the folder location, and drag the icon on the desktop. This will create a shortcut that you can rename Home Local

Do the same thing to create a Scratch Local shortcut on the desktop, pointing to \Scratch\<your_login>

Folders on the LSCE servers

When you are on the LSCE network, open the file explorer, copy paste \\dfshost\dfs\home in the location field and press <Return> to display the content of your Linux home directory. Grab the folder icon at the left of the location field, drop it on the desktop and rename it Home Linux.

Do the same thing with \\dfshost\dfs\scratch01\<your_login> and create a Scratch Linux shortcut

You can access any LSCE server disk by starting from the \\dfshost\dfs location

Activating hibernation

Configuring eduroam

other/win10config.1552057095.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:58 by jypeter