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Adding PMIP3 publications

You will find below two different ways to add new papers to the list of PMIP3 publications

Accessing the list of publications

The URL below may change (e.g. we may use a pmip or pmip_pubs account instead of the jypeter account)

You can use the following URL to access the current list of publications

The list of publications can be exported to several formats, from this URL.

pdf list of publications: this list is as of February 4th 2014 and is possibly out-of-date. You can generate your own up-to-date list directly from the citeulike web site!

Submitting a published paper by mail

You can send a mail to Jean-Yves Peterschmitt with the following information:

  • Subject: New PMIP3 publication
  • For each paper, send the following information:
    • DOI of the paper: e.g. 10.5194/cpd-9-775-2013
    • Title of the paper: this will just be used to make sure that we get the correct paper, when using the DOI!
    • The list of tags/keywords associated with the paper

Using the pmip_submit account on the citeulike web site

Please get in touch with Jean-Yves Peterschmitt if you have forgotten the password of the generic paper submission account.

You can then go to the citeulike secure login page and use the generic account login and password to Log In. Do not forget to Log Out when you are finished!

The steps below will add your paper reference(s) to the temporary submit list. The reference will then be reviewed (possibly) and then copied to the permanent publications' list

Published papers with DOI

  • Click on MyCiteULike, and select Post URL

Click for a larger version

  • Enter the DOI, and select Post it!

Click for a larger version

  • Check the reference, click on Show all tags to show the existing tags, click on the relevant existing tags, add new tags, and finally click on Post Article

Click for a larger version

  • Click on MyCiteULike, and select Library, or open the pmip_submit library URL, and make sure that the reference has been correctly processed
    If you need to update the tags, you can click on the reference, and then update the tags in the My tags for this article [edit] section

Click for a larger version

  • Log out from citeulike!
  • Send a mail to Jean-Yves Peterschmitt (Subject: New PMIP3 publication) to let him know that a new reference is available on the pmip_submit account

Submitted papers (and anything without a DOI)

  • Click on MyCiteULike, and select Post manually, then fill all the fields and click on Post article…

  • The next steps (including the tags selection) are the same as above, from the Check the reference step

Selecting tags

It is very important to associate the appropriate tags/keywords with the PMIP3 publications, and the best way to do it is when you submit a paper! Please send a mail to Jean-Yves Peterschmitt if you notice that there is a tag problem for a reference (wrong tag, missing tag, …)

You can access the current list of tags at the URL.

Click for a larger versionTags as of February 4th 2014

Tags format

  • The tags are a mix of lowercase characters, numbers and other characters
  • Tags have only one word! If you need more than one word, just stick the words together (e.g. midholocene), or use the underline character (e.g. model_data_comparison)

The mandatory PMIP3 tag!

All the PMIP3 publications need to have a pmip3 tag! And then we can directly count the number of PMIP3 publications by counting the number of pmip3 tags 8-)

We will only reference the publications that have at least a loose connection to PMIP3…

The optional CMIP5 and PMIP2 tag

If you have used data from the CMIP5 database (the publication is not pure PMIP3), you have to list your publication on the CMIP5 publications page and use the cmip5 tag.

If you have used PMIP2 data, don't forget the pmip2 tag!

The experiments tags

Use tags to list all the experiments referenced in the publication: lgm, midholocene, past1000, abrupt4xco2, pliomip, …

The model tag

If the publication is about only one PMIP3 model, use a _model tag starting with a sensible abbreviation of your institute or generic model name: e.g. ipsl_model

Other tags

  • Tags describing what the publication is about (summarize your publication with one word, tough…): reconstruction, model_data_comparison, …
  • It may be a good idea for PMIP working groups, to add group specific tags

New tags

When you use a new tag, please have a look at the currently referenced publications and send a mail Jean-Yves Peterschmitt to let him know which other publications should also get this tag.

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pmip3/publications/citeulike.1391532413.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/04 16:46 by jypeter