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pmip3:wg:degla:index [2015/02/13 15:49]
ruza [Experimental set-up]
pmip3:wg:degla:index [2015/02/13 16:28]
ruza [Structure and organisation]
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 <note info>\\ Contacts: [[|Ruža Ivanović]],​ [[|Lauren Gregoire]], [[|Didier Roche]]</​note>​ <note info>\\ Contacts: [[|Ruža Ivanović]],​ [[|Lauren Gregoire]], [[|Didier Roche]]</​note>​
 ===== Group description ===== ===== Group description =====
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-Historical footnote: group initiated at the PMIP3 2014 Namur meeting.+Historical footnote: group initiated at the PMIP3 2014 Namur meeting. ​ 
 +\\ \\
 +===== Approach =====
-===== Experimental set-up ===== +It is expected that every participant model will run the one //Core// transient simulation through the full deglaciation (21-9 ka). The only exceptions are the computationally more expensive models for which a multi-millennia ​transient simulation is infeasible
- +
-It is expected that every participant model will run the one //Core// transient simulation through the full deglaciation (21-9 ka). The only exceptions are the computationally more expensive models for which a multi-millenia ​transient simulation is unfeasible+
 In addition to the //Core//, the working group will coordinate simulations to: In addition to the //Core//, the working group will coordinate simulations to:
   * Assess uncertainties in boundary conditions and forcings   * Assess uncertainties in boundary conditions and forcings
-  * Test specific ​hyotheses+  * Test specific ​hypotheses
   * Focus on shorter time periods to involve computationally more expensive models   * Focus on shorter time periods to involve computationally more expensive models
   * Carry out model sensitivity simulations   * Carry out model sensitivity simulations
   * Begin earlier in the last glacial period (e.g. 26 ka)   * Begin earlier in the last glacial period (e.g. 26 ka)
-We encourage everyone to suggest (and document) further simulations and everyone is free to choose which additional simulations to the //Core// to carry out+We encourage everyone to suggest (and document) further ​optional ​simulations
-===== More =====+\\ \\ 
 +===== Structure ​and organisation ===== 
 +**Working group leader:** Ruza Ivanovic [ [[ | web ]], <​>​ ]\\ 
 +**Working group co-leader:​** Lauren Gregoire [ [[http://​​people/​l.gregoire | web]], <​>​ ]\\ 
 +Please email Ruza or Lauren if you have any questions about the working group, or to join it. 
 +**Modelling advisory group:​**\\ 
 +Masa Kageayma [ [[http://​​Phocea/​Pisp/​index.php?​nom=masa.kageyama | web]] ], 
 +Didier Roche and Paul Valdes [ [[http://​​geography/​people/​paul-j-valdes/​ | web]] ] 
 +**Palaeoclimate sensors advisory group:​**\\ 
 +Led by: Andrea Burke [ [[http://​​profile_ab276.aspx | web]] ]\\ 
 +Other members: TBC 
 +\\ \\ 
 +===== Meetings ​=====
-  * [[Members]]+  * PMIP meeting, Namur (Belgium) May 2014 
 +  * Others TBA \\ \\
-  * [[meetings|Meetings]] 
-\\ \\ \\  
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pmip3/wg/degla/index.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/18 17:15 by ruza