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Understanding and using ssh correctly

Everything you always wanted to know about ssh, ssh keys, the passphrase and ssh agent, but were afraid to ask

At least everything you need to know, without getting bored to death

A quick introduction

  • ssh is a program for logging securely into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine
    • More precisely ssh is an SSH client using the SSH protocol
  • We assume below that you have a my_login account on the remote remote_server computer, and you know your password
  • Many programs are said to work over ssh when they implicitly use the ssh protocol to securely transfer their data from one server to another: scp (copy remote directories and files), rsync (synchronize remote directories and files), …
  • Some history: before you were born, and the world and internet were a safer place, people used less secure programs like telnet, rlogin, rsh, ftp, …

Using ssh

Standard usage

  • The following will work in a Linux terminal, but can also work in a terminal on a Mac or on a Windows 10 computer
  • On Windows 10, ssh is directly available in a Windows Powershell, a Windows Terminal or the old cmd, but the most user-friendly way to use ssh is to use PuTTY
  • ssh [options] [my_login@]remote_server
    • If your login is the same on the local and remote computer, you can omit the optional my_login@ part:
      e.g. just use ssh
    • The first time you connect to a new server, ssh will ask if you are sure of what you are doing, and then store some unique information about the remote server in the known_hosts file (details).
      PS C:\Users\my_login> ssh
      The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
      ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:vMAvkidEg0EukP/RZwPAVuo5+TBegQFx1v8WN9pZLXg.
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:

      ssh will automatically check this security information each time you connect to the same server, and warn you if something seems wrong

  • Most common options:
    • -X: enable X11 forwarding. This option will allow you to use graphical programs on the remote server
      • If -X does not work, use -Y instead (Enable trusted X11 forwarding)
      • Using the -X/-Y option will automatically define the DISPLAY environment variable that is required by graphical programs on the remote server. Otherwise, DISPLAY will not be defined
        my_login@lsce5203:~$ echo $DISPLAY
        my_login@lsce5203:~$ ssh
        Last login: Wed Jul  8 14:45:31 2020 from
        [my_login@ssh1 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY
        DISPLAY: Undefined variable.
        [my_login@ssh1 ~]$ logout
        Connection to closed.
        my_login@lsce5203:~$ ssh -X
        [my_login@ssh1 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY
      • In order to display graphical windows, you also need to have a local X server running!
        An X server is basically
  • -t command: this option allows you to execute a specific command on the remote server (without displaying the output of the initial ssh). We use this mostly to chain ssh connections, when we want to automatically go through a specific gateway server to access another server
    e.g. ssh -A -X -t ssh -A -X obelix
  • -v: verbose mode. Use this option only when you can't connect, or things don't seem to work correctly. Analyzing the verbose output when you start ssh should allow you, or the system administrators, to find out what is wrong

Useful aliases

If you want to easily use ssh (with the appropriate options), you should define the following aliases in your ~/.bashrc configuration file

# Connecting to LSCE from outside the LSCE network
alias sobelix='ssh -A -X -t ssh -A -X obelix'

# Connecting to LSCE from a computer on the LSCE network
alias obelix='ssh -A -X my_LSCE_login@obelix'

# Connecting to ciclad @ IPSL
alias ciclad='ssh -A -X'

Configuration files

ssh will store all its configuration text files in the ~/.ssh/ directory (C:\Users\your_windows_login\.ssh on Windows 10)

  • known_hosts: the file were ssh stores security information about all the servers you have connected to (from the local computer)
  • config: an optional configuration file
  • authorized_keys, and possibly your private and public ssh keys

PuTTY is a convenient and user-friendly ssh client for Windows

Copying files between servers/computers

Sometimes you just need to copy files from one remote server (or your desktop) to the other. The files can be securely copied over ssh with the scp command

Note: if you work with big data files, you should keep the files were they are instead of duplicating them, and move the data processing (your scripts, etc…) to the server where the files are located (e.g. the ciclad server at IPSL)

Copying files with scp

Note: the following will work in a Linux terminal, but can also work in a terminal on a Mac or on a Windows 10 computer (scp is directly available in Windows Powershell, Windows Terminal or the old cmd, but it is not the most user-friendly way to use ssh on Windows)

If you have a Windows computer, it is much easier to use WinSCP for copying files

  • scp [options] local_path_or_file [my_login@]remote_server:remote_path
    or scp [options] [my_login@]remote_server:remote_path_or_file local_path
    • If your login is the same on the local and remote computer, you can omit the optional my_login@ part
  • Most common options:
    • -p: preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.
      This option is very useful if you want the copied file(s) to have the same date/time as the original file(s). Otherwise, the time will be the time when you copy the file(s)
    • -r: recursively copy entire directories.
      You have to use this option if the source location is a directory. scp -r will copy the complete content of the directory (including sub-directories)

WinSCP is a convenient and user-friendly scp client for Windows

Synchronizing directories

In some cases, you may want to synchronize the content of directories:

  • because you are creating a backup
  • because you have lots of files, possibly (very) big, and you don't want to start copying everything again if the copy fails due to temporary network problems

In that case, you should use the rsync command, that will only copy files that are not already in the destination (and that have not changed since the previous copy).

rsync has lots of complex options and rules, and should be used carefully if you do not want to lose files. This page does not cover this topic. Use man rsync or ask somebody

Using ssh keys

What are ssh keys?

Creating ssh keys

Installing ssh keys

Using the keys

Using an ssh agent


  • If you want to know more (options, etc…), check the man(ual) page on Linux: man ssh
  • emacs

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other/ssh.1597932257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/20 14:04 by jypeter