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JYP steps for installing Miniconda3

Before installing Python on a shared computer

Desperately seeking a specific package

Check if the Python package you are desperately seeking is not already installed, before installing your own Python on shared interactive Linux servers, or on batch computing clusters !!

  • Ask other users who know the local environment
  • Use module avail [mod_name] to find out the Python versions available, and then module load and conda list to get more information
    • e.g. on spiritx (modules on spirit)):
      $ module avail python
      python/meso-3.8  python/meso-3.9  python/meso-3.10  python/meso-3.11
      $ module avail anaconda
      anaconda-meso/2022.10    anaconda3-py/2020.11
      anaconda-meso/2023.09-0  anaconda3-py/2021.11
  • Lots of Python packages do very similar things. Maybe you can use another installed package…
  • If the packages you need are not available, it may be faster and easier to ask the local system administrators if they can install the packages, rather than doing everything yourself

Using an unlisted Python distribution on a jupyter server

If there is a jupyter notebook server connected to your system, and a Python environment providing all the packages you need, but that is not directly available on the notebook server, follow the using a non-standard kernel instructions, rather than starting your own local server

Why should you use Miniconda3 ?

  • Miniconda3 is a minimal/bootstrap Python distribution that can be used for creating more complex Python distributions.
    It will basically make a recent conda command available on your computer, and you can then use this conda executable to select an existing distribution, or create new and independent Python distributions.
  • A conda environment is basically (the short name of the directory) where you install the Python that you will use (independently of Miniconda3 itself). You have to activate this environment in order to use it
    A python distribution is the collection of packages (and their dependencies) you have chosen to install together in a given environment.
    • Example: initializing an environment named cdatm_py3 (assuming it exists)
      $ source /path_to_miniconda/etc/profile.d/
      $ which conda
      $ conda env list
      cdatm_py3                /path_to_miniconda/envs/cdatm_py3
      some_other_env           /path_to_miniconda/envs/some_other_env
      $ conda activate cdatm_py3
      (cdatm_py3) $ which python
    • The special environment where Miniconda3 itself is installed is called base (it also used to be called root). Note that the python binary of the special base environment is not located in the same directory hierarchy as the python of the other environments (i.e. there is no envs/ subdirectory
      $ conda activate base
      (base) $ which python
  • You don't need to be (and you should not be) root when you install Miniconda3. You just need enough disk space on a disk where you have write access
    • WARNING: by default, Miniconda3 will install itself and subsequent Python environments in a sub-directory of your home directory (~/miniconda3 on Linux). Do not use the default installation location, if you want to avoid disk space related problems (disk full, quota exceeded, …)
      • WARNING: older versions of Miniconda3 used a hidden sub-directory of your home directory (~/.conda on Linux) for the installation
    • Choose carefully where you will install Miniconda3, because the size of the installation directory will start at a few Gb and will keep on growing
  • You could also start with the full Anaconda (instead of Miniconda) installer that will install a much more complete python environment, ready for use.
    We choose not to use the full Anaconda installer because:
    • it requires more disk space than Miniconda3 during the initial installation,
    • all the Anaconda installer packages come from the default channel (or repository) provided by the conda repository.
      This is not very useful for us (and could even cause complex dependency problems later) because we will be mostly using (the same) packages provided by the conda-forge channel, in order to avoid complex package dependency problems

Downloading Miniconda3, and BASIC installation

Miniconda3 on a Windows computer

Some of the steps below are adapted from the Windows section of "Quick command line install" to install a pure Windows version of Miniconda3

Downloading the Miniconda3 installer on Windows

  • Find some temporary space on Windows
  • Open a terminal, where you can type the required installation commands
  • Use curl to download the latest installer (78 Mb as of April 2024):
    PS C: cd C:\Scratch\your_login
    PS C:\Scratch\your_login> curl -o miniconda.exe
    PS C:\Scratch\your_login> dir miniconda.exe
    -a----        19/04/2024     11:18       81274240 miniconda.exe

BASIC Miniconda3 installation on Windows

  • Determine the folder where you will install Miniconda3 and ALL your future Python environments based on this version of Miniconda3
    We will later refer to this location as /path_to_miniconda3/ in the Linux sections
    • Remember that you will need a few Gb of available space
    • You should avoid installing Miniconda3 in your Windows home folder (C:\Users\your_login or <some_disk_different_from_c>:\Users\<your_login>), if you want to be able to easily make backups or your home, without backing up thousands of files related to your Python environments…
    • We add some date or version information at the end of the folder name, in order to differentiate it from other (older of future) installations
    • Example installation folder: C:\Utils\miniconda3_2024-03 (if we start installing in March 2024)
  • Launch the Miniconda3 installer with
    PS C:\Scratch\your_login> .\miniconda.exe
  • In the installer window:
    • (Review and) accept the License Agreement
    • Choose to install for Just Me (the recommended default choice)
    • Specify the Destination Folder selected above, e.g. C:\Utils\miniconda3_2024-03
    • Use the pre-selected Advanced Installation Options, i.e
      • Create start menu shortcutes
      • Register Miniconda3 as my default Python 3.12 ⇐ Useful?
  • When the installer has finished running, you should have:
    • A new C:\Utils\miniconda3_2024-03 folder
      • This folder size will be ~650 Mb and will keep on growing (up to several Gb) as you add more Python environments and packages
        • Be sure to have enough space on this disk!
    • Two new shortcuts in the Windows Start menu
      • Anaconda Prompt
      • Anaconda Powershell Prompt
        • We will now use this Anaconda PowerShell shortcut each time we need to use Miniconda3 or Python
  • Remove the installer
    PS C:\Scratch\your_login> del .\miniconda.exe
  • Open an Anaconda PowerShell Prompt, and type a few commands to make sure that conda is working
    (base) PS C:\Users\your_login> conda env list
    base                  *  C:\Utils\miniconda3_2024-03
    (base) PS C:\Users\your_login> conda list
    # packages in environment at C:\Utils\miniconda3_2024-03:
    # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
    conda                     24.3.0          py312haa95532_0
    python                    3.12.2               h1d929f7_0
    (base) PS C:\Users\your_login> conda deactivate
    PS C:\Users\your_login> conda env list
    base                     C:\Utils\miniconda3_2024-03
  • Next: be sure to follow the steps in the Fine-tuning conda to use (only) conda-forge, and all the other Miniconda3 instructions
    • conda commands will work on all computers (Windows and Linux-like)
    • The .condarc is located in your Windows home folder

Miniconda3 on a Linux-like computer

By Linux-like, we mean:

  • A Linux desktop/laptop
    • The installation will be used by one person
  • A Linux server
    • The installation will be used by one or more persons
  • A windows computer with WSL+Ubuntu installed
    • You should use the Windows installer, if all the packages you need are available for Windows
    • The installation will be used by one person
  • A Mac where you can use Linux in a terminal
    • The installation will be used by one person

Downloading the Miniconda3 installer

  • Important: do not install your own Python environment(s) on shared computers before you have made sure that the packages you need are not already installed, or cannot be easily installed in an existing environment (by the person who maintains this environment)!
    • Check the output of module avail, read your system documentation, ask other users…
  • Find some temporary space on Linux (or Windows, if you are using WSL)
    • e.g. Linux on the LSCE servers:
      $ cd /home/scratch01/$USER
    • e.g. Linux on the IPSL spiritx cluster:
      $ mkdir /homedata/$USER/Scratch
      $ cd /homedata/$USER/Scratch
    • e.g. Linux on a personal PC/Mac desktop/laptop: use a local scratch/temporary directory with enough space
  • Use wget to download the latest installer (138 Mb as of 22 Mar 2024):
    $ wget
    $ ls -lh
    [...] 138M Feb 27 20:40

Using the Miniconda3 installer

We assume below that we are in the directory where we have downloaded the installer

  • Determine the directory where you will install miniconda3 and all the Python environments based on this version of miniconda3, but do not create the directory (the installation script will do it)
    We will later refer to this location as /path_to_miniconda3/
    • Remember that you will need a few Gb of available space
    • If you want to share this installation with other users, the directory has to be readable by these users
    • At LSCE, do not install in a sub-directory of your home directory!
      • On other servers and computers, you should also avoid installing in your home directory, if you want to be able to easily make backups or your home, without backing up thousands of files related to your Python installation…
    • We add some date or version information at the end of the directory, in order to differentiate it from other (older of future) installations
    • e.g. Linux at LSCE: /home/share/unix_files/cdat/miniconda3_2024-03
    • e.g. Linux at spiritx: /homedata/$USER/miniconda3_2024-03
    • Linux (including WSL) on a personal PC/Mac desktop/laptop: find a directory with enough space (including space for adding more packages and their future updates)
      • You may want to use a directory that you are not backing up, if you want to avoid having to save thousands of files…
  • Execute the installer with $ bash
    • Review the license (type <SPACE> several times…) and accept it
    • When asked for the installation directory, specify the directory location chosen in the previous step, and not the default directory
      • e.g. specify
        instead of the default
    • Answer no to the question Do you wish to update your shell profile to automatically initialize conda?.
      Otherwise the installation will make changes to your shell configuration files
      • If you forget to answer no, you can apparently:
        • remove the changes to your shell configuration files by typing later: conda init –reverse $SHELL
        • or at least disable the automatic activation of the environment (that might have side effect) by typing: conda config –set auto_activate_base false
      • The resulting miniconda3 directory size is 647 Mb (as of March 2024)
        $ du -sh miniconda3_2024-03
        647M    miniconda3_2024-03
        $ du -sh miniconda3_2024-03/*
        47M     miniconda3_2024-03/bin
        16K     miniconda3_2024-03/cmake
        8.0K    miniconda3_2024-03/compiler_compat
        32M     miniconda3_2024-03/_conda
        8.0K    miniconda3_2024-03/condabin
        976K    miniconda3_2024-03/conda-meta
        4.0K    miniconda3_2024-03/envs
        28K     miniconda3_2024-03/etc
        18M     miniconda3_2024-03/include
        317M    miniconda3_2024-03/lib
        92K     miniconda3_2024-03/LICENSE.txt
        1.1M    miniconda3_2024-03/man
        232M    miniconda3_2024-03/pkgs
        396K    miniconda3_2024-03/sbin
        1.5M    miniconda3_2024-03/share
        12K     miniconda3_2024-03/shell
        8.0K    miniconda3_2024-03/ssl
        8.0K    miniconda3_2024-03/x86_64-conda_cos7-linux-gnu
        8.0K    miniconda3_2024-03/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu
  • Initialize the newly installed conda environment (this will initialize the environment only in the current terminal):
    • bash shell: source /path_to_miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
      • e.g. (spiritx): source /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03/etc/profile.d/
    • tcsh shell: source /path_to_miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
      • e.g. (LSCE): source /home/share/unix_files/cdat/miniconda3_2024-03/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
  • Check if you can use the conda command, and use it to initialize the base environment
    • e.g. on spiritx1:
      $ which conda
      $ which python
      $ source /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03/etc/profile.d/
      $ which conda
      $ which python
      $ conda activate base
      (base) $ which conda
      (base) $ which python
      (base) $ conda deactivate
      $ which conda
      $ which python
  • Remove the Miniconda3 installer: $ rm

Fine-tuning conda to use (only) conda-forge

  • conda will probably work fine with the default settings if you create simple new environments with just one package and its dependencies.
  • We are power users, and we intend to create complex Python environments combining lots (and lots) of packages available from conda-forge, with complex dependencies, and we may run into dependency problems when combining packages coming from both conda and conda-forge.
    • The solution is to configure conda to always use conda-forge, and completely update Miniconda3 itself with packages coming only from conda-forge

Changing the .condarc file

The following steps will make sure that we only get packages from conda-forge (same thing as using the -c conda-forge option) by default unless the requested packages really don't exist on conda-forge. More details in Managing channels

$ cat ~/.condarc
cat: /home/jypmce/.condarc: No such file or directory

$ conda config --get channels

$ conda config --prepend channels conda-forge

$ conda config --set channel_priority strict

$ conda config --get channels
--add channels 'defaults'   # lowest priority
--add channels 'conda-forge'   # highest priority

$ cat ~/.condarc
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
channel_priority: strict

Getting conda configuration information

  • conda config documentation
  • Basic information: conda info
  • Full configuration: conda config --show

Updating (Mini)conda

We have to completely update Miniconda3 at least once after installing Miniconda3 and making conda-forge the highest priority channel

  • Check the current version of conda
    • $ conda list -n base | grep '^conda'
      # packages in environment at /path_to_miniconda:
      conda                     24.1.2          py312h06a4308_0
      conda-libmamba-solver     23.12.0            pyhd3eb1b0_1
      [... and other packages with 'conda' in their name]
  • Completely update the Miniconda3 installation
    • $ conda update -n base --all
       - conda-forge
       - defaults
      Platform: linux-64
      Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
      Solving environment: done
      ## Package Plan ##
        environment location: /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
      The following packages will be downloaded:
          package                    |            build
          conda-24.3.0               |  py312h7900ff3_0         1.1 MB  conda-forge
          conda-libmamba-solver-24.1.0|     pyhd8ed1ab_0          40 KB  conda-forge
          python-3.12.2              |hab00c5b_0_cpython        30.8 MB  conda-forge
      The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
      The following packages will be UPDATED:
        conda              pkgs/main::conda-24.1.2-py312h06a4308~ --> conda-forge::conda-24.3.0-py312h7900ff3_0
      The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel:
      Proceed ([y]/n)? y
      Preparing transaction: done
      Verifying transaction: done
      Executing transaction: done
  • Check the updated version of conda. Note that (almost) all the packages should now specify that they are provided by conda-forge
    • $ conda list -n base
      conda                     24.3.0          py312h7900ff3_0    conda-forge
      conda-libmamba-solver     24.1.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
      python                    3.12.2          hab00c5b_0_cpython    conda-forge
    • You can use the following to determine if some packages are not provided by conda-forge
      • $ conda list -n base | grep -v conda-forge
        # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
        libedit                   3.1.20230828         h5eee18b_0
        libffi                    3.4.4                h6a678d5_0
        xz                        5.4.5                h5eee18b_0
      • It should not be a major problem if a few packages are not provided by conda-forge.
        It only means that some packages provided by the anaconda channel were more recent than the same packages provided by the conda-forge channel when the packages were updated
  • You can later update again the full Miniconda3, or just the conda command.
    This should not make any changes to the Python environment(s) have have installed with conda
    • $ conda update -n base --all
      # All requested packages already installed.
      (base) $ conda update -n base conda
      # All requested packages already installed.
  • Note: during this installation, the miniconda3 directory size grew from 763 Mb to 1.6 Gb, and we have not installed any custom Python environment yet! This is the reason why you should install Miniconda3 on a (preferably non backed up) disk where you have enough space
    • $ du -sh /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
      736M    /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
      [... update]
      $ du -sh /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
      1.6G    /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
  • You can clean the initial Miniconda3 installation to free up some disk space. The documentation specifies WARNING: This will break environments with packages installed using symlinks back to the package cache. and you should probably avoid using clean once you have installed new Python environments (unless you are desperate for disk space and know how to do a complete re-installation if something breaks…)
    • (base) $ conda clean --all
      Will remove 154 (180.9 MB) tarball(s).
      Proceed ([y]/n)? y
      Will remove 1 index cache(s).
      Proceed ([y]/n)? y
      Will remove 74 (378.0 MB) package(s).
      Proceed ([y]/n)? y
      There are no tempfile(s) to remove.
      There are no logfile(s) to remove.
      (base) $ du -sh /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
      457M    /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03

Initializing conda in terminals

Reminder: if you have installed Miniconda3 on a Windows computer, you only have to open a terminal with

  • Start menu ⇒ Anaconda Powershell Prompt
  • conda activate the_environment_you_want

When you open a terminal, your shell needs to know where to find the conda command used to initialize an environment, or switch between existing environments. This can be configured in the shell configuration files

Single-user installation

You were asked the following question when installing Miniconda3: Do you wish to update your shell profile to automatically initialize conda? [yes|no]

  • If you answered yes, the installer probably added some very complicated lines to your shell configuration files, and conda and the newly installer python are probably directly available when you open a new terminal.
  • If you answered no (as suggested), use a text editor to add extra lines to the appropriate shell configuration file
    • bash shell user : add these lines to ~/.bashrc
      source /path_to_miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
      alias pynit='conda activate base'
      • e.g. (spiritx):
        source /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03/etc/profile.d/
        alias pynit='conda activate base'
    • tcsh shell user: add these lines to ~/.cshrc
      source /path_to_miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh''
      alias pynit 'conda activate base'
      • e.g. (LSCE):
        source /home/share/unix_files/cdat/miniconda3_2024-03/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
        alias pynit 'conda activate base'
    • When you have a custom Python environment installed (e.g. my_power_env, you can update the pynit alias to initialize this environment instead of the base environment (e.g. conda activate my_power_env)
    • You can also define other aliases, or use another name than pynit!

We choose not to directly add a conda activate env_name line to the shell configuration files. This would permanently initialize env_name and may cause future (and obscure) side effects.

When we open a new terminal, we get the default Python available on the system. If we need a specific Python environment, we just open a new window and then explicitly type conda activate env_name or the pynit alias defined above

Multi-user installation

In the case of python environments maintained by a single user, but used by several users, we could do the same as in the General case, but it can be useful to have the users source an intermediate initialization file, that will then source the initialization file used in the general case. This makes it easier to maintain and change the environments, without asking users to make changes.

  • ask bash users to add to ~/.bashrc something like
    source ~main_installer_login/

    with a file looking like
  • ask tcsh users to add to ~/.cshrc something like
    source ~main_installer_login/.conda3_jyp.csh

    with a .conda3_jyp.csh file looking like conda3_jyp.csh.txt

Keeping Miniconda3 up-to-date

  • The base (miniconda3) and the other environments are all independent and can be updated independently
  • It is up to you to decide if you want to update environments or not

conda resources

Web sites

Useful conda commands

This is just a subset of some of the commands, and a subset of their options! For a complete reference, use the official conda website

  • Get help
    • conda -h
      • conda command --help: help for a specific command
  • Available environments
    • conda env list
    • The currently active environment has a “*” character on its line
      (base) $ conda env list
      # conda environments:
      base                  *  /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03
  • Activate an existing environment (available in conda env list) or deactivate, in order to go back to the default Python
    • conda activate existing_environment
      • conda activate (without specifying an environment name) will activate the base Miniconda3 environment
    • Go back to the default Python available on the system
      • conda deactivate
    • You can type which python to determine where is the current python executable you are using is
      You should always know which Python you are using!
      • (base) $ which python
        (base) $ conda deactivate
        $ which python
    • Note: before conda 4.6, you had to type source activate existing_environment and source deactivate
  • Get the list of installed packages, their version, and where they come from (e.g. conda-forge, pip)
    • conda list [-n existing_environment]
  • Create an environment and install a few packages and their dependencies
    • conda create -n new_environment_name package1 package2 packageN
  • Delete an environment
    • conda remove -n crap_environment --all
  • Find out if a package is available on the conda-forge channel (or other channels)
    • Note: you should always install a package with conda instead of pip, if it is available on a conda channel
    • conda search package_exact_name
      conda search '*package_partial_name*'
  • Install and remove packages
    Add -n target_environment to make changes in another environment than the active one
    • conda install package1 package2 packageN
    • conda remove package1 package2 packageN
  • Update just conda (update the conda package, not the full Miniconda3 base environment)
    • conda update -n base conda
  • Completely update an environment (all the packages)
    • conda update -n existing_environment --all
  • Cleaning… Dangerous!
    If you have several environments, conda clean may remove packages that are not needed in an environment, but are still used in other environments, and you may end up with a broken installation…
    conda does not automatically clean the content of the pkgs directory!
    Use the following to Remove index cache, lock files, tarballs, unused cache packages, and source cache
    • conda clean --all

conda, pip and virtualenv

Installation history

You can get the current list of installed packages with conda list -n existing_environment, but it may also be useful to know in which order the packages were installed:

  • conda list -n existing_environment --revisions: display exactly what was installed and when (including the updates, and automatic dependencies installation)
    • You can theoretically roll back to a previous RR revision number with: conda install -n existing_environment --revision RR
  • There is more information in the /path_to_miniconda/conda-meta/history installation log files.
    • base history file: /path_to_miniconda/conda-meta/history
    • existing_environment history file: /path_to_miniconda/envs/existing_environment/conda-meta/history
    • e.g. installation commands for the base environment:
       $ egrep -e 'cmd:' -e '==>' /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03/conda-meta/history
      ==> 2024-02-23 18:39:23 <==
      # cmd: constructor /tmp/tmp.4um5tGKcqW/miniconda3/ --output-dir /tmp/tmp.4um5tGKcqW
      ==> 2024-03-27 16:10:01 <==
      # cmd: /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03/bin/conda update -n base --all
      ==> 2024-03-28 11:38:08 <==
      ==> 2024-04-24 17:47:32 <==
      # cmd: /homedata/jypmce/miniconda3_2024-03/bin/conda update -n base --all
    • You can also, use a script and the conda module available in the base environment: example

Uninstalling Miniconda3

Windows computer

Miniconda3 can be removed like a regular Windows application

  • Go to the Apps & features panel
    • StartSettingsAppsApps & features
  • Select Miniconda3 py3xxxxx
  • Click on Uninstall and follow the instructions displayed by the uninstaller window
    • This will remove:
      • The (very big) directory that you specified when you installed Miniconda3
      • The conda shortcuts from the Start Menu
    • This will not remove your local configuration file C:\Users\your_login\.condarc

Linux-like computer

other/uvcdat/cdat_conda/miniconda3_install.1717083289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/30 15:34 by jypeter