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other:uvcdat:extra [2015/06/08 16:38]
jypeter Started updating the page when preparing for 2.2.0
other:uvcdat:extra [2015/10/20 14:18]
jypeter Added Requests
Line 3: Line 3:
 This page lists the packages (usually) installed in the LSCE-IPSL CDAT versions that are not available in the standard UV-CDAT (i.e. there are no //ccmake// configuration switches to get them installed). This page lists the packages (usually) installed in the LSCE-IPSL CDAT versions that are not available in the standard UV-CDAT (i.e. there are no //ccmake// configuration switches to get them installed).
 +===== Requests =====
 +  * Web site: http://​​en/​latest/​
 +  * Required by:
 +==== Versions installed ====
 +^  UV-CDAT\\ version ​ ^  JYP\\ installation ​ ^  Package\\ version ​ ^  Date  ^
 +|  2.1.0  |  LSCE_13 ​ |  2.8.1  |  Oct 20 2015  |
 +|  2.1.0  |  ciclad_13 ​ |  2.8.1  |  Oct 20 2015  |
 +==== Installing ====
 +  * HOWTO: http://​​en/​latest/​user/​install/​
 +  * ''​pip install requests''​
 +==== Testing ====
 +Check the installed version with: ''​python -c '​import requests; print requests.%%__version__%%'​ ''​
 +===== PIL and pillow =====
 +FIXME **Clean this section!** FIXME 
 +PIL does not seem to be maintained any longer and should be replaced by pillow
 +  * Web site: https://​​
 +  * Required by: basemap
 +    * implicitely used by basemap to [[http://​​basemap/​users/​geography.html|plot etopo, bluemarble, etc]]
 +=== Replacing PIL with pillow ===
 +[[http://​​questions/​8915296/​python-image-library-fails-with-message-decoder-jpeg-not-available-pil|More information]]
 +<​code>​pip uninstall PIL
 +pip install pillow
 +=== Testing ===
 +Check the installed version with
 +<​code>​python -c '​import PIL; print dir(PIL)'​
 +['​PILLOW_VERSION',​ '​VERSION',​ '​__builtins__',​ '​__doc__',​ '​__file__',​ '​__name__',​ '​__package__',​ '​__path__',​ '​_plugins'​]
 +Use one of the [[http://​​basemap/​users/​geography.html|basemap examples]] to check if everything is working
 +<​code>​from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 +# setup Lambert Conformal basemap.
 +# set resolution=None to skip processing of boundary datasets.
 +m = Basemap(width=12000000,​height=9000000,​projection='​lcc',​
 +            resolution=None,​lat_1=45.,​lat_2=55,​lat_0=50,​lon_0=-107.)
 +===== python-dateutil =====
 +  * Web site: http://​​python-dateutil
 +  * Required by: [[#pandas]]
 +==== Versions installed ====
 +^  UV-CDAT\\ version ​ ^  JYP\\ installation ​ ^  Package\\ version ​ ^  Date  ^
 +|  1.5.1  |  LSCE_10 ​ |  <​del>​1.5-mpl</​del>​\\ 2.4.2  |  ? (//​bundled?//​)\\ Sep 11 2015 (with pandas) ​ |
 +|  1.5.1  |  VB_10  |  <​del>​1.5-mpl</​del>​\\ 2.4.2  |  <​del>?​ (//​bundled?//​)</​del>​\\ Sep 11 2015 (with pandas) ​ |
 +|  2.1.0  |  LSCE_13 ​ |  2.2  |  ? (//​bundled?//​) ​ |
 +|  2.1.0  |  VB_13  |  2.2  |  ? (//​bundled?//​) ​ |
 +==== Installing ====
 +  * //Bundled with another package?//
 +  * A newer version of python-dateutil was installed during [[#pandas]] installation in the //old// CDAT 1.5.1...
 +==== Testing ====
 +Check the installed version with: ''​python -c '​import dateutil; print dateutil.%%__version__%%'​ ''​
 +===== pytz =====
 +  * Web site: http://​​
 +  * Required by: [[#pandas]]
 +==== Versions installed ====
 +^  UV-CDAT\\ version ​ ^  JYP\\ installation ​ ^  Package\\ version ​ ^  Date  ^
 +|  1.5.1  |  LSCE_10 ​ |  2014.10 ​ |  ? (//​bundled?//​) ​ |
 +|  1.5.1  |  VB_10  |  2015.4 ​ |  ? (//​bundled?//​) ​ |
 +|  2.1.0  |  LSCE_13 ​ |  2014.10 ​ |  ? (//​bundled?//​) ​ |
 +|  2.1.0  |  VB_13  |  2014.10 ​ |  ? (//​bundled?//​) ​ |
 +==== Installing ====
 +==== Testing ====
 +Check the installed version with: ''​python -c '​import pytz; print pytz.%%__version__%%'​ ''​
 +===== pandas =====
 +  * Web site: http://​​
 +==== Versions installed ====
 +^  UV-CDAT\\ version ​ ^  JYP\\ installation ​ ^  Package\\ version ​ ^  Date  ^
 +|  1.5.1  |  LSCE_10 ​ |  0.16.2 ​ |  Sep 11 2015  |
 +|  1.5.1  |  VB_10  |  0.16.2 ​ |  Sep 11 2015  |
 +|  2.1.0  |  LSCE_13 ​ |  0.16.2 ​ |  Sep 11 2015  |
 +|  2.1.0  |  VB_13  |  0.16.2 ​ |  Sep 11 2015  |
 +=== Installing ===
 +  * Dependencies:​
 +    * [[#numpy]] >= 1.7.0
 +    * [[#​python_dateutil]] >= 1.5
 +    * [[#pytz]]
 +  * Optional dependencies (http://​​pandas-docs/​version/​0.16.2/​install.html#​dependencies):​ not checked!
 +  * ''​pip install pandas''​
 +    * JYP install: ''​setenv mydate `date +"​%Y%m%d_%H%M"​` ; setenv mylogf $ALL_LOGS_DIR/​pandas_install_${CDAT_ID}_${mydate}.log ; ( /​usr/​bin/​nohup /​usr/​bin/​time pip install pandas > & $mylogf & ) ; sleep 10 ; tail -n +1 -f $mylogf''​
 +=== Testing ===
 +Check the installed version with: ''​python -c '​import pandas; print pandas.%%__version__%%'​ ''​
 ===== rpy2 ===== ===== rpy2 =====
Line 32: Line 161:
   * Optional dependencies (http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​installing.html#​optional-dependencies):​ not checked!   * Optional dependencies (http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​installing.html#​optional-dependencies):​ not checked!
   * ''​pip install cartopy''​   * ''​pip install cartopy''​
-    * Check [[#​proj4]] ​is there is a *proj* related error+    * Check [[#​proj4]] ​if there is a *proj* related error
     * The installation may bump shapely to a newer version: e.g. 1.3.2 to 1.5.8     * The installation may bump shapely to a newer version: e.g. 1.3.2 to 1.5.8
       * Shapely seems to have non-blocking Cython speedup compilation errors       * Shapely seems to have non-blocking Cython speedup compilation errors
other/uvcdat/extra.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/01 11:52 by jypeter