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Pre-Industrial Control Run Experimental Design

This was a BC development page (see discussion panel at the end of the page)

Make sure you use the final version of the PI BC!

Boundary conditions

PI for PMIP3/CMIP5 experiments

The Preindustrial control should be the same as the one used for CMIP5 experiments. It is thus the same reference as the one for 20th century simulations and future climate projections (see taylor_cmip5_dec31.pdf).

PI for groups only running PMIP3 experiments

Summary of PI boundary conditions

PMIP3 Alternative solution
Orbital parameters [ ecc = 0.016724 ] - [ obl = 23.446° ] - [ peri-180° = 102.04° ]
Date of vernal equinox March 21 at noon
Trace gases [ CO2 = 280 ppm ] - [ CH4 = 760 ppb ] - [ N2O = 270 ppb ] - [ CFC = 0 ] - [ O3 = Modern - 10 DU ]
Aerosols Same as PI
Solar constant 1365 W/m2 As in PI
Vegetation Interactive See specific note below
Ice sheets Present day
Topography and coastline Present day

Please use the discussion panel to comment this table!


Depending on the complexity of the model used the vegetation will be either:

Land use

Land use should be included in the PI vegetation map. In that case, care should be taken that the land use map used in the PI simulation is consistent with the one used for land use evolution either for the 20th century or the last Millennium.

For Earth System Models with interactive carbon cycle

The simulations are forced by the CO2 concentrations. Please use the same protocol as in CMIP5 to store the carbon fluxes and the variables needed for PCMIP (see list here External Link)


Note that insolation should follow PMIP requirements. Please check it carefully using the following tables (PI insolation tables)

Initial conditions

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