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Summer School

September 21-25 2015 Shenzhen Summer School

The SOFIE Summer School was held in Shenzhen, China.

Proposed topics included:

  1. Emissions inventories and urban areas
  2. Vegetation modeling
  3. Hydrology & Atmospheric composition
  4. Integration & Climate feedbacks
  5. Nitrogen and Phosphorus interactions in the Earth System

Agenda : sofie_pku_lsce_paris_workshop_2014_09102014v8.xlsx

Paris Meetings

October 13-14 2014 Paris Workshop

The third jointly organised SOFIE workshop was held in Paris, France at the Cours St. Nicolas, a lovely meeting facility in the heart of Paris.

Proposed topics included:

  1. City and emissions
  2. ORCHIDEE delvelopments
  3. Aerosols and chemistry
  4. GHG Balence of China: top-down/bottom-up
  5. Coupled land/atmosphere
  6. Outgoing synthesis and integration activities

Logistics information: sofie_2014_paris_logistics_information.pdf

Agenda : sofie_pku_lsce_paris_workshop_2014_09102014v8.xlsx

Abstracts : sofie_paris_workshop_2014_abstracts.xlsx

Presentations over the 2 day workshop:

Dr. Gregoire Broquet: Atmospheric inversion of CO2 city emissions: first lessons from the Paris experiment
Dr. Lin Wu: City scale inversion of CO2 emissions: requirements for a cost effective monitoring of the sectorial budgets presentation_l_wu_2014.pdf
Dr. Jun Wang: Urban CO2 Monitoring/Inverse Modeling for Identifying Geographical Sources and Sinks of Carbon in Shenzhen, China
Dr. Yilong Wang: Potential of European 14CO2 observation network to estimate the fossil fuel CO2 emissions via atmospheric inversions
Dr. Huizhong Shen: Urbanization in China
Dr. Bengang Li: Inequalities in global FF-CO2 emission from 1950 to 2010
Dr. Felix Vogel: Stable carbon isotopes to monitor the CO2 source mix in the urban environment
Dr. Vincent Viguié: Urban modeling to inform climate policies: a case-study on Paris urban area
Dr. Philippe Peylin/Dr. Natasha McBean: Parameter optimization within ORCHIDEE: principles/optimization using flux data at Tibetan grassland sites
Dr. Bertrand Guenet: The soil carbon scheme in ORCHIDEE: presentation of the future developments
Dr. Xuhui Wang: Developments and applications of ORCHIDEE-crop
Dr. Tao Wang: ORCHIDEE-MICT development
Dr. Matthieu Guimberteau: The hydrological modeling with ORCHIDEE in the Amazon basin
Dr. Dan Zhu: Northern vegetation dynamics calibrated and evaluated for the ORCHIDEE process based ecosystem model
Dr. Nicolas Viovy: Divgrass : How the biodiversity of french grassland impact the productivity
Dr. Jinfeng Chang: Global grassland under management
Dr. Shushi Peng: Reconstruction of global land use change
Dr. Nicolas Vuichard: N cycing in ORCHIDEE
Dr. Yves Balkanski: Iron atmospheric cycle in INCA and future developments for CMIP6
Dr. Rong Wang: Atmospheric modelling of iron and phosphorus wind erosion
Dr. Yi Yin: CO emission decrease over the globe and in East Asia from 2002 to 2012
Dr. Junfeng Liu: Evaluating the source and transport of carbonaceous aerosols
Dr. Frédéric Chevallier: The CO2 sink of China as seen from the atmosphere
Dr. Xin Lin: CO2 and CH4 over the Indian subcontinent: A study based on surface flask measurements and an atmospheric transport zoom model
Dr. Feng Zhou: Nonlinear responses of agri soil NH3 and N2O emissions to N input: model and implications
Dr. Yongwen Liu: Response of terrestrial carbon fluxes to temperature variations (gamma) in the CMIP5 Earth system models
Dr. Hongyan Liu: Estimation of human-accelerated soil carbon and nitrogen loss in the steppe of China
Dr. Philippe Bousquet: Inversions with CH4
Dr. Laurent Li: Leaf area change feedbacks on climate over the last 30 years
Dr. Daniel Goll: Nutrient limitation reduces land carbon uptake in simulations with a model of combined carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling
Dr. Zhenzhong Sun: Nitrogen additions affect NPP and soil respiration in 3 age stands at a Larix plantation
Dr. Philippe Ciais: RECCAP bottom up global synthesis
Dr. Xuhui Wang: Response of tropical non-forest vegetation to interannual climatic variations
Presentation not available at this time, unpublished data
Dr. Palmira Messina: Biogenic emissions in ORCHIDEE: nitrogen compounds from soils
Dr. Huizhong Shen: Recent Development of the PKU-Fuel and PKU-Emission Inventory

November 12-14 2013 Radiative Forcing Workshop

The second jointly organised SOFIE workshop was once again held in Paris, France and focused on finalizing the Radiative Forcing paper (to be submitted later this year) along with topics on Urbanisation and Climate as related to urban scale inversion models at regional scales and dense CO2 measurement networks. Student presentations were held on day two. Futher presentations regarding joint projects with a emphasis on high latitude regions and surface processes rounded up the last day.

Photo of this year's workshop participants
(click on the image for a larger view)

The agenda of the meeting: final_workshopplan131103-5.xlsx
Workshop summary: workshopsummary.pdf

Presentations over the 3 day workshop:

Dr. Nadege Blond: LIVE lab presentation presentation_n_blond.pdf
Dr. Alain Clappier: Urban surface model in WRF presentation_a_clappier.pdf
Dr. Mauree Dasaraden: Urban land surface and emissions presentation_d.mauree.pdf
Dr. Shushi Peng: UHI from satellite observations abstract_presentation1_s_peng.pdf
Dr. Laurent Li: Modeling climate feedbacks from urbanisation presentation_l_li.pdf
Dr. Gregoire Broquet: Regional and urban flux inversionsabstract-presentation_broquet.pdf
Dr. Jun Wang: Urbanization in China and ecological effects not available at this time
Dr. Philippe Ciais: GHG urban emissions & Carbocount-city project presentation1_p_ciais.pdf
Dr. Ye Huang: Global PM and OC Emission Inventoryabstract_presentation_huang.pdf
Dr. Bengang Li: Progress report of RF paper abstract_presentation_b_li.pdf
Dr. Nicolas Huneeus: Aerosol Forcing: Estimating the contribution from Chinaabstract_presentation_huneeus.pdf
Dr. Rong Wang: Black carbon aerosol RF presentation_r_wang.ppt
Dr. Feng Zhou: N2O bottom-up analysis abstract_presentation_f_zhou.pdf
Dr. Shushi Peng: CH4 bottom-up emission inventories abstract_presentation2_s_peng.pdf
Dr. Philippe Bousquet: CH4 and N20 top-down analysis presentation_bousquet.pdf
Dr. Xin Lin: Recent GHG flask measurements in India abstract_presentation_xin_lin.pdf
Dr. Yi Yin: Fire emission inversions: COabstract_presentation_yin_2013.pdf
Dr. Yilong Wang: Fossil CO2 inversion abstract_presentation_y_wang.pdf
Dr. Frèdèric Chevallier: Global inverse modelling of CO2 surface fluxes presentation_f_chevallier.pdf
Dr. Philippe Peylin: ORCHIDEE: Current and future developments presentation_p_peylin.pdf
Dr. Sebastiaan Luyssaert: DOFOCO presentation_s_luyssaert.pdf
Dr. Jinfeng Chang: ORCHIDEE-GM abstract_presentation_j_chang.pdf
Dr. Xiuchen Wu: Improvement of crop processes in ORCHIDEE abstract_presentation_x_wu.pdf
Dr. Hongyan Liu: Holocene forest decline and its climate feedback presentation_h_liu.pdf
Dr. Philippe Ciais: Aerosols effects on the carbon cycle presentation_p_ciais.pdf
Dr. Shilong Piao: Model evaluation presentation_x_wang.pdf
Dr. Laurent Bopp: CMIP5 output and ocean carbon climate presentation_l_bopp.pdf
Dr. Patricia Cadule: Coupled carbon climate simulations at IPSL presentation_p_cadule.pdf
Dr. Tao Wang: Snow modeling in ORCHIDEE presentation_t_wang.ppt
Dr. Chao Yue: Fire modeling in ORCHIDEE presentation_c_yue_.pdf
Dr. Shushi Peng: Permafrost and wetland CH4 emissions in ORCHIDEE abstract_presentation3_s_peng.pdf
Dr. Dan Zhu: Permafrost-LGM simulations French-Swedish project abstract_presentation_d_zhu.pdf
Dr. Jean-Louis Dufresne Projection of future climate change at the global scale presentation_jl_dufresne.pdf

01-02/October/2012 Paris Workshop

A jointly organized SOFIE workshop in Paris was held October 1st and 2nd in order to prepare a new manuscript assessing the radiative forcing budget of China. Dr. Bengang Li will lead the paper with strong collaboration from both PKU and French scientists from the LSCE, LMD and the CNRS. The prime focus and novelty of this paper will include radiative forcing calculation, IPCC styles for gases, land use change and aerosols and include, wherever possible new emission and sink data.

Click on the image for a larger view.

Download the agenda of the meeting: sino_french_workshop_agenda.pdf

Presentation by Dr. Philippe Ciais: talk_ciais_pku-lsce_paris_intro_20121002.pptx
Presentation by Dr. Rong Wang: workshop_paris-co2-rongwang.pptx
Presentation by Dr. Frederic Chevallier: chevallier.pptx
Presentation by Dr. Tao Wang: taowang.ppt
Presentation by Dr. Nicolas Viovy: sofie_workshop_viovy.ppt
Presentation by Dr. Feng Zhou: lsce2012_zhou_feng_v4.pptx
Presentation by Dr. Ben Poulter: poulter_sofie.ppt
Presentation by Dr. Yves Balkanski: balkanski_rf_presentfuture_final.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Rong Wang: workshop_paris-rongwang.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Bengang Li: sofie_workshop-libengang.ppt
Presentation by Dr. Philippe Ciais: talk_hauglustaine_pku-lsce_inca_20121002.pptx
Presentation by Dr. Laurent Li:li_lsce_pku_201210.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Juan-pablo Boisier:pres_sofie_boisier.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Philippe Bousquet: pres_workshop_ch4_v2.pptx
Presentation by Dr. Shushi Peng: china_ch4_emission-shushi.peng.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Thomas Gasser: 2012.10.02_-_t._gasser_-_sofie_workshop.pdf

06/July/2012 Video Conference Summary

In this teleconference between LSCE and PKU on July 06, 2012, we discussed the progress of radiative forcing in China research project and students presentations. Prof. Shilong Piao and Prof. Bengang Li from PKU introduced the progress of the radiative forcing project in China. Shushi Peng introduced the progress of datasets on methane emissions in China from 1981 to 2010. Then, methane emission datasets problems and improvements were discussed. After that, Dr. Tao Wang and Dr. Kun Tan gave their presentations about their progresses on corresponding research projects.

Presentation by Dr. Shushi Peng: 06072012_video_conference_speng.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Kun Tan: 06072012_video_conference_tankun.pptx

24/June/2012 Video Conference Summary

In this teleconference between LSCE and PKU on June 24th, 2012, the project of radiative forcing in China was fully discussed. First, Prof. Bengang Li from PKU introduced the plan of the radiative forcing project. The research contents and schedule was fixed. Then, the mainly mission was the fine resolution datasets of GHGs inventory emissions. Finally, Rong Wang, Jingfeng Chang and Chao Yue gave their presentations about their progresses on corresponding research projects.

Presentation by Prof. Bengang Li: 06242012_li.bg_video_conference.ppt
Presentation by Rong Wang: 06242012_video_conference_rwang.pdf
Presentation by Jingfeng Chang: 06242012_video_conference_jchang.ppt
Presentation by Chao Yue: 06242012_video_conference_chaoyue.ppt

Video Conference Ⅱ Summary

The second video conference between LSCE and PKU on September 15th, 2011, primarily addressed the progress of scientific research after the first teleconference in June. First, Dr. Junfeng Liu showed his progress of aerosol research (detailed information in the attached Junfeng.Liu-aerosol-co2_2nd.pdf). Second, Rong Wang showed black carbon emission map in China and validation progress. Dr. Balkanski mentioned the good news of IPSL model capture the monsoon of East Asia and could address the aerosols questions with modeling work. Third, Xuhui showed the progress on the agriculture modeling work and discussed the next plan with Dr. Viovy and Dr. Ciais. At last, Dr. Ciais and Dr. Piao discussed the schedule of winter school (round the first week of February in 2012) and Ms. Cecilia discussed the progress of official documents with Dr. Piao.

Presentation about aerosols by Dr. Junfeng Liu: junfeng.liu-aerosol-co2_2nd.pdf
Presentation about black carbon by Rong Wang:

Video Conference Ⅰ Summary

The first video conference between LSCE and PKU was held on June 24th, 2011. In the one hour discussion, impacts of aerosols on climate and carbon cycle were fully discussed. First, Dr. Liu Junfeng from PKU introduced his research plan on aerosols and climate interactions. Then, the detailed scientific questions about aerosols and model simulation design were discussed, especially on the indirect and direct impacts of aerosol on carbon cycle. Next, Rong Wang presented his latest results about high spatial resolution map of black carbon emission and current problems use of the map and transport modeling. After that, potential interesting questions about black carbon with AR5 modeling were discussed. In addition, the schedule of summer school project and next video conference meeting were confirmed.

Presentation about black carbon by Rong Wang:

Kick-off Meeting

A kick-off meeting was held at LSCE, France on February 15 and 16, 2011. A Chinese delegation comprising several members of Peking University (PKU) visited the LSCE and UVSQ institutes. Several scientific and programmatic presentations were given during the two-day meeting. The meeting agenda, meeting minutes and presentations can be downloaded below.

Click on an image for larger view.

Download the agenda of the meeting: agenda_pku-lsce_15_et_16_fevrier_2011.pdf

Download the meeting minutes: minutes_pku-lsce_20110215.pdf

Presentation of PKU (Dr Yansong Li, PKU Vice President): pku_brief_intro_forlsce_paris_.pdf

Presentation of PKU College of Urban and Environmental Sciences (Dr Shu Tao, Deen of College): collegeintroduction_20110210.pdf

Presentation of LSCE (Dr Cyril Moulin, Associate director): moulinuniv_pekin_visit.pdf

Presentation of Plateau de Saclay and CEA-DSM (Dr Yves Caristan, Director of DSM): visite-univ-pekin-janv2011.pdf

Presentation of Versailles University (Pr Sylvie Faucheux, Pdt of Versailles University): ppt_dri_v19_-_uk.pdf

Presentation of CNRS-INSU (Elisabeth Kohler, European affairs of CNRS): presentationinsuengl.pdf

Cooperation history and overview (Pr. S.-L. Piao): slpiao20110215.pdf

Why an Earth System Science institute between LSCE and PKU (Pr. P. Ciais):

Emission, transport and respiration risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in China (Dr. S Tao): 20100629_pah-emission-risk_france.pdf

Warming-determined spatial and temporal patterns of forest die-off in Inner Asia (Dr H. Liu): meeting-paris-liuhy.pdf

Tree rings, climate and carbon indicators over the past millennium (V. Daux): vd_fev2011.pdf

Ocean biogeochemistry and climate (J. Orr): orr_cfiess_15feb2010.pdf

Regional applications of LMDZ climate model (L. Li): li_pku_lsce_201102.pdf

Asian perspective on cryosphere-atmosphere feedbacks (Y. Balkanski): pku-lsce_feb15-2011_balkanski.pdf

Climate-chemistry interactions (D. Hauglustaine): climate_chemistry_15022011.pdf

Recent trends in the CH4 budget (P. Bousquet): pres_ch4_cfiess.pdf

Remote sensing of atmospheric composition (F.M. Bréon): remsensco2_pku.pdf

Linking deep-time climate modelling and long-term biological changes (P. Sepulchre)sepulchre_univ_pekin_2011.pdf

Rivers and lateral Carbon fluxes (O. Evrard): evrard_puk_150211_final.pdf

Data assimilation and biogeochemical cycles (P. Peylin): pres_pku-lsce_fev2011.pdf

OVSQ presentation (D. Vidal-Madjar): ovsq.pdf

FONDATERRA : a foundation for management of climate change impacts (M.F. Guyonnaud):

Master SETE : an original and multidisciplinary ensemble of master degrees on environment and sustainable development (Pr. M. O’Connor):

First elements for an international master on climate sciences (Pr. P. Bousquet):

meetings.1445481567.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/22 02:39 by fzhou